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rescuing the god of the people or aura, aura herself was ridiculously easy, what made things even easier was that an evangelion could dampen aura's power, using unit-13 shinji stopped the dimensional merge, shinji promptly killed embryo, and took his ragna-mail, and all the other ragna-mails, he also to the AW-FZR304: arquebus, and the glaive unit, including the rosalie custom for the glaive unit

aiding the world that is infested with the monsters called BETA was another walk in the park, and awakened unit-13 later, and the BETA no longer exist, shinji was really started to over rely on that EVA, and it was starting to disturb him, he intended once his journey was complete to delete the EVA unit-13 from existence and to seal his EVA unit-01 away, to be used only in the most dire of emergencies, obtaining the TSFs and their weapons, as well as this worlds ESPERs into his grimoire was useful, he recruited the entirety of the empire of japan to his roster bringing aboard several of their pilots to add to his crew, while sending the rest to terra with a message from shinji to chairman athha to aid them

aiding the parasites was something shinji did personally, entering battle himself for the first time in a long while, in the gundam exia, his current primary unit, the first time shinji had actually participated in a live, battle and everyone on the glenn could tell he personally launched for a reason, for he was righteously furious, seeing himself in the parasites, he took over the entirety of gran cravasse himself sealing the giant monolith within, into his grimoire, considering it was similar to the fafner's and the EVAs in that it was a biomachine it would be helpful under Dr. akagi's care, he then led the trinity siblings in an assault against every single plantation, while ordering the glenn to destroy the station in orbit

which they did, after he killed every adult he could find, he gave a declaration that this world was claimed by him, as his new home, and his base of operations, choosing one of the few remaining forested areas, he intended to build his home whatever that may be

he also ordered military facilities constructed all over the rest of the planet, while transporting it to the principality, and the core worlds, the world was named arcadia, and would be the primary place for military training, recruiting squad 13 onto his personal crew at the recommendation of one of the only three adults of the planet he didn't kill, Dr. werner franxx, the other two being squad 13s caretaker and operations commander, why did he not kill those three, Dr. franxx was a genius scientist that alone gave him breathing room to escape his actions, the other two, simply put the squad asked him not to so he didn't, the 13th squad were the only ones who asked him to spare anyone, because they truly cared and not out of twisted sense of duty, hachi was brought aboard to act as shinji's 2nd officer, and one of his advisors alongside misato

nana was given express orders to prepare the parasites for the fleet shinji was sending to aid the parasites into society, they would no longer be forced to fight as for the klaxosaurs, shinji kicked them off his planet, threatening them with genocide via unit-13, the klaxosaur princess had little choice but to comply

he soon left the principality again, his first stop was also one of the few times shinji actually collected a monster for something, but the demon beasts do to the catalyst crystals they create, as creating such crystals would be difficult, this gave shinji other ideas involving the permit to use GUND technology as well

shinji then collected a new ship, the macross-class super dimensional fortress, he also collected the macross-cannon-class as well for future use, and he collected the SV-303 vivasvat, he had a strange look in his eye, as did the resurrected rei ayanami both of them shared a look, that sent shivers down misato's spine, she knew that if rei was involved it had something to do with the dummy plug system, and somehow that terrified her even further, collecting the AGE system was a huge boon for the principality as auto-constructing units and weapons, and if upscaled far enough, entire vessels, would be massive for the military, his gundam collection also increased significantly, though he had his eye on the alaya-vijnana system, of the gundam-frames, that however quickly disappeared when they got their hands on the machine calibur known as striker, the AI on that unit completely changed all of shinji's plans

he did however aid the people on the landless planet, recruiting ensign ledo, and his own machine calibur chamber, in the process

stealing the stolen bradyon and luxon was easier then shinji expected, and the coupling system was added to shinji's arsenal, he promptly killed one bizon gerafil, which solved many problems in the future regarding the man, he then quietly orchestrated the peace between the two nations, mostly to silently thank the free pact alliance for their coupling tech

stopping off at a waterless world, the coralians were exceedingly useful for one reason, the LFO which were more biomachines, so the entire world was brought into the principality and the coralians spread throughout the universe as more humanoid coralians were born

he temporarily stopped off in the pegasus galaxy of a particular dimension to help a race known as the asgard, gaining several technologies and stealing a stargate, which would be reverse engineered later, for ease of travel throughout the galaxy for civilians

now when the glenn stopped at babylon five, he was there for over six months, why, politics, but he succeeded in getting a rather large colony of minbari, to join the principality seeding them into the principality, and gaining the a small contingent of white stars the destroyer-class white-star victory, and a few omega-class destroyers to boot, although he only needed one of it was still a good haul overall, recruiting the andromeda ascendent was ridiculously simply, dylan hunt signed up immediately, and his crew was along for the ride

now the UNSC was a bit of trouble, so shinji stole what he wanted, his people quietly completed the mothballed UNSC: eternity stole said, ship, stole all the data on the spartan project, another look towards rei, that sent more shivers down misato's spine, and stole everything possible on the prometheans, shinji felt they would be useful for a good garrison force, for his space stations

shinji was able to recruit the entire cosmo navy and garmillan empire to the principality, though that took him bringing in mothma, to his aggravation, she had also demanded that there be other checks in place to stop the elected monarch from taking over, as seven generals wasn't enough in her eyes, he had told her that he agreed, and had a plan, that she would not like in the slightest, in place

he had stolen a donnager-class ship for it's railguns, as his ship had a tractor beam that task was ridiculously easy

he had gained the allegiance of the systems alliance, and had gained a substantial colony of asari, after, he brought in a fleet of wave motion gun ships to delete the reapers from existence, and he didn't even need to use unit-13 this time

from there he had managed to collect a wisdom cube from the azur-lane universe, something that put stars in ritsuko's eyes as she was determined to outdo her mother's magi system, collecting a union core that dream came closer and closer

stealing a standard IS unit, to gain access to all the technology therein was something that would be helpful for what shinji was dubbing project vector, collecting a hundred, was a great boon as well that was a tad more difficult, but he had annihilated the savages using the unit-13, which had by this point become shinji's undefeated trump card

obtaining the transmat-system and the 'ghost' AI was also a very important addition to project vector, which only shinji, rei, and ritsuko were privy towards, he didn't even tell misato, then again most of it was technical information that would fly over head anyway, she knew however it had something to do with replacing the EVA's and more importantly unit-13

making another return to the principality he noticed that mon mothma was starting to seriously age, he ordered the date to be checked and noticed that he had been gone for thirty years, the galaxy was slowly moving towards what he envisioned, and that brought a smile to his face, he still had much more work to do, but he was still glad of this

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