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ritsuko was pleased but also overwhelmed very quickly simply with the GN technology, and while shinji did resurrect their world using the grimoire, there weren't any scientists left to aid her, those that were part of NERV and WILLE were the best and the brightest, meaning they had to look outside the spectrum

unlocking a new chapter in the the dragon defender: fafner, we recruited the entire organization of ALVIS, and misato had for the first time ordered the use of EVA unit-13 for the eradication of the festum, which was a very easy task for any of the godlike EVAs, it was already decided that any future mechanized weapons will be new generation evangelions, as the EVAs are too powerful otherwise to ignore, chizuru toomi was the primary recruit however, as while the additional pilots may be helpful, the good doctor was an additional scientist, who can help the better understand the evangelions, the ELS, and now the fafners as well

the next scientist we collected was also the easiest, Dr. kiriko aoi, the crew of the glenn didn't even have to do anything other then reveal EVA unit-01, and it was like magic, as the mimetic beasts almost literally ran for the hills, the EVA was activated but still, that had NEVER happened before, and it took a weak before all readings on the creatures found out to be gone, misato had recruited the entire organization, as having extra pilots and a few control operators to act as additional bridge crew in emergency situations was always nice, but there was one thing that bugged misato, she had been leading this entire expedition, but it was shinji who came to her, and it was his power they were relying entirely on, this was his ship, and his grimoire after all, so misato had convinced shinji to take over leadership of the group they were gathering

which he reluctantly agreed to do

they soon found the universe they would be claiming as their own, instead or returning to their home universe, they chose this one for one reason, the galactic empire was a force that needed to be stopped and could easily be done so, with the technology at their disposal, and so two dead sith later, and misato who was shinji's named spokesperson had met with mon mothma to negotiate, misato had pointed out that shinji's organization could easily take over the empire that isn't what he or his organization wish, instead a new government was created using a similar methodology to the planet naboo, an elected monarchy, the term would be five years, and then there would be a council known as the council of seven swords, they would hold power over the military faction of the government, that was non-negotiable, shinji ikari would be at the head of this council as first-minister of the galactic federation, supreme commander of the galactic federation navy, that was also non-negotiable it also angered one shinji ikari immensely as he did not ask for such a post, he did demand that the other six positions would be elected officials, with the stipulation that they had to hold the rank of admiral already, since the post was for life or until the officer in question stepped down

leia organa had asked to join the crew on their quest, which shinji had overruled misato and accepted her place aboard, she was a skilled diplomat as a princess, and she could be taught any other skills she may need on his crew

they stopped off in the united federation of planets prime universe, more specifically in the 32nd century to collect their programmable matter tech, and then immediately jumped out, so as not to deal with any problems later on from starfleet, considering shinji had stolen several vessels by this point, how did shinji know about that, simply put it was somehow imputed into data that was within the glenn's spore drive

they had collected the exoskeleton 'javelin', 'warframe', and guyver unit, and didn't even bother to interfere in any of those universes

they stopped off in a universe that was infested by out-of-control AI, which shinji promptly dealt with through the magi system, overloading the legions entire AI, and he then recruited the entire spearhead squadron, and their handler vladilena milizé

the female ruled universe, was one shinji wanted to leave immediately, considering how many women were in power aboard his ship he was a tad paranoid, not that he minded a woman leading, he just didn't want to be turned into little more then a domesticated pet, misato had argued against leaving before gaining anything, but when he threatened unit-01, they left immediately, in compromise, he promised that when he wasn't on board, they could go back and bring whatever was there to him, that was something misato could agree to

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