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temporarily returning to the principality mostly to make sure politicians weren't attempting to stab me in the back, the pacifist mon mothma was worrying, and with the princess of alderaan with us, which was yet more worrying, as that meant there was no one here loyal to the cause, that was before commander fumihiko makabe volunteered to keep her in line, while we continued our journey

we collected energists and two guymelefs, a alseides unit, and a scherazade, from the world of gaea, they stopped in the universal century dimension, and the grimoire had gained a long list of technologies, and mobile suits, stopping in one particular universe, shinji had personally killed charles and schneizel el britannia, giving the credit to the rebel leader known as zero, he had temporarily met zero, if only to get a copy of zero's costume, he gained a few new crew, in kallen kozuki, from the black knights, leila malcal, and oldrin zevon, and cornelia and euphemia li britannia, as well as one suzaku kururugi, having stolen suzaku from the britannia sisters, as his personal guard, for one reason only it offset all the damn women shinji seemed to be collecting, he had kazuki makabe also added to that list, though he did need to have new units built for the two aces

arriving in the seed universe, the first thing shinji did was capture the rogue ship archangel, dumping it's crew off on an orb island, he then went and conquered the earth alliance and ZAFT, dealing with the extremists on both sides with extreme prejudice

"chairman athha welcome aboard my current flagship, the glenn" i said

"i am surprised to have received your invitation, we were expecting you to forcefully take us over as well" i said, i chuckled

"no i am giving ORB, the earth alliance and ZAFT you will be the ultimate power in the system" i said

"what do you want in return" he asked

"technically nothing, i will not be remaining here for long, i ask that you join the principality and swear loyalty to my nation, but you are more then capable of declining, and nothing will be said about it, we will simply be on our way, i have what i wanted here" i said

"who leads this principality" he asked

"there are two main bodies, the elected monarch, yes i said elected monarch, every ten years a new monarch is elected, that monarch has all the powers an actual monarch would except for control over the military that task goes to the council of seven swords, it makes sure that someone doesn't get power hungry, i am the head of the council of seven swords" i said

"why an elected monarch" he asked

"because, we tried to have it be a republic, it got so corrupt that nothing ever got done, unless a great threat showed up at their door, and scared them into action, the elected monarchy was my idea, because it had been done on a world in the principality exceedingly well, that being naboo" i said

"wait this principality spans multiple worlds" he asked shocked, i smiled

"the principality spans over hundreds of systems" i said, his eyes widened

"where do we sign up" he asked, i chuckled but nodded to doctor akagi

"all hands black alert" i said, as the ship moved to black alert status

"this may get rather jarring" i said, he nodded though he was confused what was going on

"we are ready, captain" ritsuko said, i nodded as i closed my eyes, the grimoire appeared beside me opening as unit-13 appeared in front of the glenn, in it's awakened state

"go" i ordered, she hit the button on the console initiating spore jump, and using the evangelion to bring the entire system with us

"from this moment forth, earth will be renamed terra, and this will be known as the terran system, within the mid rim territories, the principality thanks you for joining us, a ship of mine will be ordered to your system to explain things, the principality has recently ended a war, and is still rebuilding and reconstituting laws, so please be patient, my ship still has more to do, more to explore" i said

"i wish to come" the chairman's daughter said

"join the choir" i said with a chuckle, before nodding

"welcome aboard, tell me are you a fighter or a diplomat or both" i asked

"i can do either" she said, i nodded

"i will be relying on your for your diplomatic skill, currently we would be relying on lady organa for such, having more is always useful" i said, cagalli nodded

"good luck daughter" the man said, as his daughter hugged him

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