The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 846

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Chapter 846

"Yes, you..."

Raon looked at Merlin and opened his mouth wide.

"Why are you here?"

Looking at the cabin shaking, Cheongpung is currently in the middle of the sea. We haven't even arrived at Sieghart, but I didn't expect to see Merlin here.

"I came back after completing the task you gave me perfectly."

Merlin grinned, saying he had delivered the soul stone to Glenn.

"He really enjoyed it with his mother... He was especially proud of you..."

She pretended to clap with both hands, saying it hurt her ears while hearing the compliment.

"I see·"

Raon said thank you to Merlin and sat down on the bed.

'What will grandpa say?'

It had become routine to receive compliments from Glenn every time I returned to the family after completing a mission, but this time I couldn't imagine what he would say.

'You might blame me...'

When I thought that I might hear resentment for not being able to protect Rimmer and Aris, I felt sick to my stomach.


Ras' cries can be heard from the ice flower bracelet. It seemed like he ran away inside because of Merlin.

"I heard the story..."

Merlin let out a short sigh and covered her face with the mask. Her skin was as clear as if she had never seen the sun, so when she covered her face, it seemed as if the cabin had darkened for a moment.

"Actually, I was just trying to follow the ship by borrowing the body of a nearby animal, but when Rimmer heard that that was what happened, I immediately called the main body..."

Merlin took a step forward and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Do you want to save him?"

She shook her head slightly, asking if she wanted to save Rimmer.

"Can you save me...?"

Raon widened his eyes at Merlin.

"If his spirit remains, we can make it into a mask or a helmet... but..."

Merlin shook his head with a lonely look...

"You don't want that... you or him..."

"Yes, that's right..."

Raon clenched his fists until his hands bled.

It's true that I want to see Rimmer again...

If I could see his easy smile and jokes again, I would do anything.

However, as Merlin said, Rimmer himself would not want to be revived in someone else's body using the power of the mask and helmet.

Especially after experiencing what happened with Sia and Edgar, I could never allow that to happen.


Merlin nodded slightly as if he had expected that to happen...

"Then all you can do now is hold back and cry... I didn't have anyone to cry with, but you have a lot... Crying isn't a bad thing... It means you are a person who is honest about your feelings..."

She drew a lonely smile like a senior in life, as if she had had the same experience as herself.

'No, you must have experienced it...'

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