☆Chapter 8 : Down the rabbit hole☆

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Sebastian goes around for swimming and sees 2 electric fishes going. He also sees Ariel holding Ashley and following those fishes.

He calls out "Ariel???" But Ariel ignores him and keeps swimming.

Flounder and Sebastian both look at their swimming figures. Sebastian says "Where is she going with Ashley?? And with those slippery good for nothings??"

Sebastian than looks at Flounder and orders "Let's go!"

Sebastian and Flounder both follow Ariel and swim.

Meanwhile Ariel...

The fishes bring Ariel to some dark place. Which is so deep and scary.

Ariel examines the place and it literally looks like hell.
She just keeps on moving but then a stone explodes with fire.

Ariel escapes those dangers and hold Ashley tightly.

She keeps on swimming and hault when she sees a den which looks like a giant animal with opened mouth.

She gets scared but the fishes turn around to see her and then dive to the den. She gulps and dive in too.

She goes deeply and examines the den. The den was surrounded by bones. There are small worms squeaking around.

As she swims, she gasps silently and moves away when she sees a skeleton of a mermaid/merman lying on the ground.

She swims and there are wild creatures which are in red and have an eye inside. Those creatures catch Ariel and Ashley with their claws. But eventually she comes out of their hold and take Ashley with her too.

As she swims faster she sees a vast space and gets shocked.

She then hears Ursula's voice "COME IN. Come in child. We mustn't lurk in passageways. Its rude."

Ariel then sees Ursula sitting in a large sea shell.

Ursula pulls out her tentacles and say "Forgive my aggressive garden. I wouldn't choose to live like this, believe me"

She comes out of the shell and says "Daddy's been so unfair to three of us, controlling everything we say and do"
She rests her back on the edge of shell with that fake hurt on her face.

She continues, "In a way, we're the same, you, her and I"

Ariel squints her eyes and looks at her. She says "You don't seem at like Father described you"

Ursula looks at Ashley and gives an annoying look. She asks "Is that right?? Mm. We never did get along"

She then swims out and says "Squidling rivalry. He always got what he wanted amd what did i get? Nothing!"

She keeps on gliding on the walls and growls "Zip, Nada, squat"

She then calms herself and ask "Is that familiar, hon?"
She chuckles and goes towards Ariel. She says "Oh, I know you're going through, believe me. And I know why you're here" She says with fake pity.

She swims and dissappear. Ariel leans to see where she has gone and says "I'm not sure I do"

But then suddenly Ursula comes face to face with Ariel and says "Oh, pleaseee"

Ariel flinches at sudden action and gasps.

Ursula continues "I've been watching you for a long time now, dearie. Now before i talk to you i would like Ashley to wake up"

Ursula just takes some plant behind her and writes it on Ashley's forehead. The green powder sparkles and disappears.

Ashley slowly opens her eyes and looks at Ariel, who is holding her.

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