Chapter 10

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Sumire's POV: ( little flashback )

No matter how hard I work, I can't erase the sight of Kawaki covered in blood from my mind. I've been losing sleep over the past three months just because work kept my busy mind busy with private matters. I live under the same roof with a woman who forced me to lie to take revenge on her "lover", and with a traitor who clearly has feelings for me. Escaping from this sick reality is all I have left. Unfortunately, even that hasn't helped for some time now. I'm tired, really tired, of constantly dwelling on this incident. Eida made it clear to me to stay away from him - but I just can't, not after what we sent together. Our relationship is... very complicated. I won't explain it better because it's hard for me to say anything other than this statement. Actually, everything that happened before doesn't matter now because I had to lie to Kawaki. You don't even know what I went through during these three months. Every day was a torture, not to mention the fact that looking at their faces hurt more every day. I saw from Kawaki that he was angry, it doesn't surprise me - I would be angry too if someone lied to me the way I did. Even he didn't deserve such treatment. I remember crying, stroking his hair as he slept, knowing that when he woke up, I would have to tell him that it was all just a dream. I wouldn't have had the courage to say something like that to him, and I honestly don't know how I did it. As he slept, he writhed in pain, mumbling names - including mine. My heart broke into pieces when I saw it, I don't even know why. Just knowing that someone is suffering is hard for me, but after what Kawaki did to Boruto-kun, I shouldn't feel sorry for him, right? I don't know what to think about all this. I can't tell anyone about it - Sarada literally hates him, and Eida, despite her promise to Boruto, would hurt me just for trying to say that I like Kawaki more than the tenant. I felt as helpless as a child in the fog, and despite the tears shed, nothing felt better.

The last time I cried like that was when Boruto left Konoha, what an unpleasant deja vu.

( flashback ended )


Sarada's birthday is coming up and I still haven't found anything for her. Because of this whole "incident" from a few years ago, we have become closer, and I can call her my best friend. I feel uncomfortable with this because Sarada's real best friend is ChoCho, but she lost her memories of Boruto-kun, Sarada became distant from her. It's sad, but I can understand her decision, plus she's quite short-tempered. Despite this, I admire her very much. She works very hard on herself, and has made incredible progress in her skills - especially since she has unlocked the Mangekyu Sharingan - the strongest form of her clan's dojutsu. From what I know, and what we learned in ninja history at Konoha Academy, the Uchiha clan was the only clan with this dojutsu, and the sharingan itself is very powerful and has many secret skills. Sarada-chan is very lucky that she was born with an innate dojutsu and a talent that I, for example, do not have at all. I believe that he has great potential, and maybe in the future he will achieve his greatest dream of becoming Hokage. It's admirable what she's accomplished. I want to be like her...

I was walking the streets of Konoha looking for a birthday present for Sarada-chan. I have no idea what she might like or what would be useful to her. Truth be told, I'm the kind of person who likes to give others gifts that are useful, not just pretty or gathering dust on the shelf. But what could she wish for? I won't give her just money - it's very rude - so I have to come up with something creative. Exercise equipment is out of the question, it wouldn't be appropriate - maybe a set of new kunai? No, that's a bad idea too. Boy, finding the right gift is harder than I thought. Sarada-chan's birthday is March 31st, so I don't have much time - only a few days. By the way, a thought occurred to me... when is Kawaki's birthday? Maybe I left it out and he didn't mention it? Why am I even thinking about this?! I shouldn't be thinking about him... again. But it's so difficult, I would like to know how to do it myself! Kawaki has been quite... close to me for some time now. We spend a relatively long time together, even if our "spending time" consists of me being very absorbed in some activity and him secretly observing what I'm doing. I think it's cute, especially when I cook something - and he can't hide his interest in food. He has a cool approach, and a really sharp temper - but he seems a little calmer around me. If only this whole situation were less complicated...

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