Clay Carime (Dragoinside Industries)

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Name: Clay Carmine


Sex: Male

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Sex: Male

Race: Dragon Faunus

Sexuality: Straight

Family: Oliver Carmine(Father; deceased), Alice Carmine(Mother; deceased) and Aoi Carmine(Sister; deceased)

Power: Flame Dragons Breath; he can fire high intense flames from his throat, it can get more hotter when his emotions get more unstable and it can metal through even titanium steel

Theme song:

Likes: his girls, Yang, Ruby, CVFY, Kirishima, Mina, Jiro, Kaminari(Female), Glynda, his company and all the workers(treats them like family), Legion, some Heros, police, Drakoina and its people, cyberware

Extremely likes: Grace, smokes and-



Dislikes: Union, heros, perverts, rapists, bullies, racists, people who hurt his girls, people who hurt his friends and workers, people who try to steal his shit, Joker people who spread rumors about him and Grace, Arasaka, Militech, SDC, people that call him the "N" word(seriously he killed the last one who did so), and not having his smokes and his coffee

"Cause seriously he is a menace when he doesn't get his first cup of coffee, he once called the CEO of Arasaka and trolled him by saying he was he was his long lost son during the Korean War and said he wanted to know why he didn't send the child support money"

"Worth it!!"

"How many cups have you had?"



"I would rather die."

Extremely HATES AND WILL COMMIT WAR CRIMES TO KILL THEM: Issei(I WILL RIP YOU APART AND FEED YOU TO MY PET TIGER!), Bakugo(The Pomeranian Chihuahua slut), Mineta(Grapebitch), Blake(Hypocrite), Sasuke (Duckass head) and Weiss(Chop board chest)

"Are you good?"

"I will until I have Issei hanging by his balls on a metal wire roasting over an open flame"

Backstory: Clay was a regular kid like any other, he grew up with a loving family who taught him to follow his dreams, and not let others tell him what to do. He grew up with racist and degrading comments, given his skin color and race, but he didn't bother with idiots. He was known to have a sharp mind and a keen intellect, he was making money decisions when he was 10, started working on new cyberwear at 14.

He was known to study more than play with kids, but didn't stop him from making friends with a few kids his age(those mentioned above). They became good friends all the way to...Union. There he enrolled into the business and engineering department, but the staff(minus Glynda) kept telling him he was in the wrong room and should report to the Hero course, he had to correct by saying he didn't sign up for it

But that didn't matter to the, cause he had a strong Power, they thought he should enroll in the Hero Course thats all that mattered. Multiple times he had to tell them he wasn't interested and just wanted to have a normal class. So in retaliation, he was harassed and bullied by pretty much everyone, (minus his friends and Glynda), while some ignored it cause he wasn't a Hero student.

This continued until he finally managed to get out, by enrolling at a different school, no Hero school and just have a nice life. But sadly tragedy struck at that, he was beat within an inch of his life, held down as Blake used her blade to cut his wings and tails, making him scream in pain and agony, so much he passed out in pain and blood lost. When he woke up, he ran home and...saw true horror

His father brutally murdered, his mother and sister sexually assaulted and murdered, all covered in blood and their other things. That day, Clay Carmine lost all emotions and hasn't been able to feel anything since then. He can't feel pain, happiness or even cry, he hasn't been able to since he was 14, he didn't even cry at his family's funeral

He would run away to Drakoina, where he did things to survive, he took jobs to earn a reputation as a killer and an excellent negotiator for certain gangs. He used his build up income to build the foundations of Dragonside Industries, his pride and glory. There he hired a lot of people like him, those abandoned by society, treated like shit, and looking for a goal in life

He became a symbol of chance and opportunity, he managed to find more friends and comrades, even some he grew to love. As he did, he would come to find a new resource to sell, smokes that don't affect the health system of an individual and totally cheap. He would scour the country looking for the Good Samaritan who was selling them. Imagine his surprise when he found them

...And image his surprise when it turned out to be a girl, an incredible sexy girl in tight clothes. Who he instantly fell in love with, so he tried to control himself from taking her right there, (Curse my Dragon heat!!), and mate. Luckily he had respect and control, so he managed to broker a deal with her, so now she worked with him and they made good profit

Clay would flirt with her a lot, but given her background, she was oblivious to them. So one day, he yelled "Fuck it", then took her to a personal room and showed her how he loved her in a physical way, she didn't walk straight for weeks.

So now Clay, with his company, must try and survive the challenges coming to them, from threats within the country and out, people from other timelines. So let's hope Clay doesn't lose his shit huh?

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