Subject RX-7(A Shadow Calls)

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Name: Classified, Ordered by Director Joseph Keller of Sector 9, head of Program "Ghost"

Subject designation number: RX-7, later called: Specter

Species: Unknown

Age: Classified, Ordered by Director Joseph Keller of Sector 9, head of Program "Ghost"

Looks: Classified, Ordered by Director Joseph Keller of Sector 9, head of Program "Ghost"

Power: Classified, Ordered by Director Joseph Keller of Sector 9, head of Program "Ghost"


Likes: Classified, Ordered by Director Joseph Keller of Sector 9, head of Program "Ghost"

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Likes: Classified, Ordered by Director Joseph Keller of Sector 9, head of Program "Ghost"

Dislikes: Classified, Ordered by Director Joseph Keller of Sector 9, head of Program "Ghost"

Theme song:

Background Information: provided by Doctor Elijah Walker, former CADMUS researcher on Program "Ghost",

Omega Level clearance needed: ACESS GRANTED, beginning recording

Day 1:

Elijah, on a recorder:sigh, This is Researcher Elijah Walker of Project CADMUS, doing main research on a new study to the develop of Super Soldiers, or what Doctor Keller likes to say, 'Enhanced Soldiers'. The initial reasons for the Super Soldiers, sorry Enhanced, is to handle Meta, Power or Alien level threats presented on Earth. So, CADMUS green-light Project "Ghost", Dr. Kellers personal project

Day 5:

Project "Ghost" started out as a small Psionic power project some years ago in the early years, as a small percentage of the human populace holds it. At first I believed we were gonna use typical enhancements to unlock the powers, something similar to the 'Black Tar' used to activate the Meta-Genes in kids, sadly that wasn't the cause for this. I was informed we would be doing a rather...unsavory way for enacting the tests

I learned on the 2nd day, we would be using untested and unknown elements from a meteorite that landed on Earth in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. Yeah that one, and we were gonna be using it on...children. Powered children to be exact, as the theory was the new substances could enhanced or even upgrade the Power of each host.

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