Benjamin Taurus (Nikke)

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Name: Benjamin Taurus


Age: 19

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Age: 19

Love interest(s): Crow and a few others~

Likes: Crow, her team, his friends, some Nikkes, cooking, brewing, drinking, his workers, Eden,

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Likes: Crow, her team, his friends, some Nikkes, cooking, brewing, drinking, his workers, Eden,

Loves: Crow, Jackal, Viper, his bar and kicking ass

Neutral: Grace, Vanguardians, Legion, some Heros, some Nikkes

Dislikes: people who mess with his brewery, bar and workers, Union, Ark, Raptures, Vought, the Seven, pervs who stare at his girls, the creeps and assholes(we all know who), people who think that know him

Blake Belladonna: she thinks his the same as the SDC, abusing and manipulating the Faunus workers to use for his own gain. Calling him a racist, even though he's a Faunus himself, cause he uses Faunus slave workers and abuses them like the SDC does. Even though he treats them 10 times better, better pay, food and sleep then Jackass ever did

She just can't to see Faunus working well cause it doesn't help her fight for freedom and equality. Ben constantly has to run her off or kick her, literally, in the ass to make her to away, like seriously her constant rambling makes the after taste of drinking go away

Theme song:


Ben doesn't remember from his past, not ever since he was taken to Ark and was forced to endure unbelievable and agonizing experiments. He managed to escape thanks to an unexpected ally who discovered this atrocity

Crow, the anarchist of the Outer Rim and the Central Governments most dangerous menace, as she despises them and all the shit they put them through. She originally was gonna use one of the Commanders and betray E.H and Heavenly Ascension, but stopped when she found out what was going on. She found dozens of teens that were being used to test on

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