Chapter I: The life of a peasant

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As the sunlight shines through the gaps between the tree's leaves, the water flows through the seams of the rocks. The Chinese Kingdom of xie chen shines like a diamond. That is, because half of the kingdom consists of the rich merchants, but as the peasants are over looked, one stands out.

A young man,with long silky black hair tied up in a high pony, ocean blue eyes and skin as soft and white as snow, walked through the market as he despised the filthy rich who were standing in a group at a distance. He hated the rich more than anyone or anything else. The rich treated the poor as toys. As he looked away from theーas he liked to call themー "ungrateful brats", he looked at the beautiful waterfall nearby, Almost feeling a connection between. Suddenly, he heard something in the distance.

"Please! Please sir please don't take my daughter!"

He snapped and looked at the crowd as one of the rich merchants was holding a young girl in a harsh way.

"Please sir I'm Begging you! Please let my daughter go! She did nothing wrong!"

The woman fell to the ground and clinched on the leg of the merchant that had a grip on her daughter's arm. The man had a face full of disgust as he kicked the woman off.

"Shut up you dirty poor peasant! I do whatever I want to! Your life doesn't even matter to me!
"Please sir! Let go of my daughter! She's only 6 years old!"
"I don't care how old she is! She'll be a good entertainment!"

Hearing these words, the young man snaps and charges towards the merchant who was holding the girl and kicks him off with intentions of saving the girl, as the merchant fell to the ground the man held her in his arms as he looks at the now pissed merchants looking at him with anger in their eyes.

"If you really want some entertainment, I can come in handy."

The young man said with a dark demeanor as a slight grin appeared on his face. He charged towards the merchants, but before he could attack, they all ran away in fear.

"You will pay for this young devil! We will make sure to-"

The merchant's words got interrupted by a flying stone hitting him in the face. He started bleeding and ran to a nearby carrier as they rushed away.
The young man looked down at the little girl who had a mischievous grin on her face as she showed him the merchants wig in her hands.

"Hey! That's a little naughty girl!

The young man said trying to calm down the atmosphere. The lady rushed and picked up her daughter thanking the young man with tears in her eyes.

"You don't have to thank me miss, it was my honour to help my people."
The young man says in a very peaceful and soothing voice.
"Besides if I -"
His voice gets interrupted by a high pitch and melodious voice coming from behind him.
"Yea yea ok mister hero! We get it! You're cool and all! Now come on! Mei won't be happy if she finds out that you started another fight with a merchant!"
"Yea yea... I'm coming Bo..."

The young man looked back at the little girl as he patted her head with a soft smile.

"Haitao!! You coming???"
"Yea Bo! I'm coming!"

The young man said as he fled off in the direction his friend was going.

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