Chapter III: kidnapped

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After some days of Haitao's 21st birthday, he was out for a night stroll. He was admiring the beautiful creations of nature. As he glared at the rabbits and butterflies, he heard a familiar yet melodious voice.
"Ah! Haitao! Avoiding me aren't you?"
"Huh? When did i avoid you?"
"Hm... Forget about it! What are you doing out at this time?"
"That's... A weird way to start a conversation... but, I was just getting some fresh air."
"Oh! I see! You won't mind me joining right?"
Bo said with an bright grin on her face and a cheerful tone. Haitao avoided looking at her face and looked back at the rabbits.
"See? You are ignoring me!"
"I would rather look at rabbits than a mouse."
"Rude much?"
They walked until Bo suddenly stopped.
" good Bo?"
" I just remembered! Mei called you to help her!"
"Help her? In her work?"
"Yup! You better get there quick or she will be really mad!"
Bo exclaimed as she turned and ran through the golden fields as he looked at her with annoyance. He doesn't hate her but she gets annoying, but she's the only friend he ever had so he can't compromise. He looked towards the market which looked very lively. A bit too...lively. He sighed and walked calmly towards his house.
He slid the door of his house seeing his sister work on something.
"Ah! You're finally here! I was worried!"
"You don't have to worry about me always, sister."
He said as he closed the door.

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