Chapter 3: The Great Pretender

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"Ai Akk! Why won't you tell us where you moved to? Shouldn't we be like having a housewarming or something?" Khan asked as we walked together towards our classes after meeting up in the cafeteria this morning.

"It's just the same as the one I had before Khan. I barely fit in there, house warming feels like such a useless thing. Why don't we just go out and have drinks sometime? My treat!" I patted him on the shoulders. Sure that this offer will effectively distract Khan from his inquiry. I didn't tell any of my friends about my new job. Tutoring and babysitting a wild manchild is not something to be proud of. Besides I'm sure they've heard of Ray and his reputation.

"Really!? Woaaahhhh this is new! You must have landed a high-paying new job. I can't wait to tell Wat. Don't forget to meet in the cafeteria again later, okay? Wat said something about needing to talk to you," he said as he excitedly bounced towards the engineering building just beside my college. I hate lying to my best friends but I hate it more when they look at me with worry and pity. I've had enough of those to last me a lifetime.

Entering the classroom, I spotted Ray and his group of friends. Not wanting to be noticed, I beelined for the other side of the room and sat down beside a suddenly blushing girl whom I don't remember interacting with at all before. Ignoring the hushed whispering between her and her friends, I focused on the lecturer.

Since that night, I tried to avoid Ray and told myself we didn't need to start tutoring yet. To my relief, Ray stayed in his room almost the whole Sunday. Nana brought food into his room which makes me think that this is a common thing for Ray to do after partying. What I'm dreading the most is tonight. There's no excuse for me anymore to keep pushing this back, I might end up losing this job. I have to approach Ray and pretend that the kiss didn't happen.

When I left the classroom, Wat and Khan were already there. Both greeted me warmly and we went to the cafeteria chatting.

"Akk, did you do something we don't know about?" Khan asked me suddenly. He was leaning on my shoulders. His boyfriend is nowhere to be found today.

"What? What would I even do? I don't even have the time to see you guys as much as I want to," I replied, confused.

"What are you talking about now Khan?" Wat asked.

"Eh... that pretty guy kept looking at Akk and he looked like he glared at me when I caught his eye," Khan shrugged, gesturing to a group of friends. Knowing who I would find, I still looked up to find Ray's eyes trained on me. Raising his eyebrows.

"Oh...him," I just shrugged and looked back down at the book I was reading.

"What does that oh him mean?! Akk!" Wat sat up straighter, looking curiously at me and Ray. Khan is no better. He's now staring at me from his perch on my shoulder. I wanted to push him off the chair but I still owed him for not telling him where I moved so I wasn't going to be savage today.

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