Winter morning

20 1 5

(Georges pov)


George woke up to Clay poking his cheek over and over again.

"Whaaaaat" George mumbled.

"Get up" Clay smiled.

George gave a quick glance over to the clock and sighed.

"Clay, its 4 am" George mumbled sleepily.

"I have a good reason, just get up" Clay took Georges hand and pulled him into a half sitting position.

"Fine. But it better be worth it. Or else." George gave an aptempt of acting tough.

"Or else what, Gogy?" Clay chuckled as he threw a hoodie and sweatpants onto the bed next to George.

"Or else... or else I'll take Luca and Patches and leave you alone forever." George tried to hide the giggles but failed completly.

"Wooooooow... yeah sure you would" Clay smirked at George before leaving the dark room.

George sighed as he slowly stood up and changed clothes.

"Hurry uppppppppp" Clay mumbled through the closed door.

George went over to the door and opened it, resulting in Clay falling backwards but managed to catch himself before he hit the ground.

"Wow, fell for me again?" George laughed.

Clay rolled his eyes.

"Now what the fuck was so important?" George said slightly angry.

"Come" Clay said as he took Georges hand and lead him to the front door.

"Put your shoes and your jacket on" Clay smiled as he put his own shoes on.

George sighed as he put his shoes and jacket on.

Clay took his hand again, slightly opening the front door. It was snowing. Georges eyes slightly widened as a small smirk creeped up his face.

All out of a sudden George felt a beanie being pulled over his head, he looked up at Clay who was smiling down at him. They shared a quick kiss before they started walking along the street.

They walked hand in hand out on the street until Clay stopped, quickly sticking his hand into his jacket pocket and putting on some slow music, he reached his other hand out for George to take, which he did.

They walked hand in hand out on the street until Clay stopped, quickly sticking his hand into his jacket pocket and putting on some slow music, he reached his other hand out for George to take, which he did

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After a while of mindless dancing, George started giggling.

"What" Clay chuckled.

"Youre such a simp" George giggled.

"You know you love it" Clay smirked.

"Do i? Yes. Yes i do"

Clay placed his hands on Georges waist before pulling him in for a kiss, they stayed that close to each other slowly moving along to the music in the background for a long time, maybe a little to long?


417 words

A/N omg adorable. Im dying of cuteness.

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