What's Stopping You?

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Minho POV

The mugs clattered together as I shifted them to hold both in one hand. I was carefully not to spill the lattes I had made that morning. I knocked on Seungmin's bedroom door and waited.

A disgruntled sound came, followed by the sounds of him fighting his way out of bed. "Coming." He muttered sleepily. He opened the door and squinted at me- his eyes still adjusting to the light of the hall in comparison to his pitch black room.

"Good Morning." I greeted, offering him a mug.

"Ugh." He grunted; clearly not happy I had woken him- even as his hands closed around the mug taking a sip. "Mmm." He murmured appreciatively "What is it?" He asked, opening his door wider in invitation- he must have approved.

He turned, retreating into the dark room- going to the curtains to open them and let in the mid-morning light. When he turned back toward me- motioning toward a chair I could sit in, I couldn't help but rake my eyes over his chest to the left side- under his ribs- searching for evidence of the injury he acquired saving my life. I swallowed thickly- I still hadn't forgotten that.

"Geez, Min- If you wanted to drool over me you could have just asked." He teased sarcastically, sinking onto the edge of his bed. "Coffee was a nice touch though."

"Aish." I swatted at him. "Pervert." I taunted back. "I came to check on you, Minnie."

"What for?" He countered- the wall suddenly up between us.

"Don't be like that." I scolded "You've been holed up in here for days since Jackson left. You missed dinner again last night." I tilted my head "Sungie even made cookies for you." I added. Was I guilting him- bringing Jisung into it? Yeah. A little- but I was worried about him and one sure fire way to get his attention was to bring him up.

"Shit." He responded slumping his shoulders some. "Tell him I'm sorry?" I asked.

I shook my head. "No- you should tell him yourself. You know he'd never be upset by something like that- but you should know we are worried about you." I explained "Is everything okay with you and Ja-?" I started.

"Everything is fine." He interrupted.

I cocked my head to the side, snapping my mouth shut. I wanted to smack him for being an ass, but instead I took a drink of my latte, enjoying the heat as it travelled down my throat. I nodded, pleased with the flavors and set my mug down before speaking. 

"First. Watch it- I will knock you around if you get all bitchy." I leveled my gaze at him- eyebrows raised in challenge. He shifted and his eyes were suddenly looking anywhere but at me. "Second." I inhaled- calming myself. "I can tell how much you like him. I'm not worried he's using you like W- him." I amending- his name not worth the breath it would take to utter. "I just see how much you miss Jackson and thought, maybe, I could hang out with you today- take your mind off of missing him so much." I offered.

His eyes turned up toward mine and It became painfully obvious why we all associated him with a puppy. "Really?" he asked in a tiny voice that made me feel guilty that I hadn't initiated a hang out sooner. "What about Sung?" he asked- the excitement making him fidget where he sat in his pale blue silk pajama pants.

"Ji is having a 3racha day. They are at the gym, then lunch and something else. They thought they needed a bro day." I smiled remembering his excited smile that morning about being with the other two for the first time in months. "Lix and Hyunjin are taking Innie out for a shopping day, so it's just us." I explained 'What do you say? 2min day... or you can wallow in melancholy missing your beloved." I teased, clutching at my heart comically- teasing him.

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