I Bring all the Drama Pt.1

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Jeongin POV

He thought he was slick. He thought I wouldn't know? I rolled my eyes, smirking lightly. I loved Chan, truly- but as I had told him before- he could be pretty dense. I mean, really? Planning a surprise birthday party for me? There were so many reasons that would never work.

One- I observed everything. I knew exactly what was going on under the surface, often before people did themselves. The locked door to Bin, Lix and Hyun's apartment- dead giveaway. If they forgot to lock it while they were nearly fucking on the couch, they had to be up to something big to make sure it was secure.

Two- It was such a Channie thing to do. A surprise party? Classic bold gesture of love.

Three- I mean, have you met my friends? They aren't exactly sly. The fact that Felix or Jisung hadn't spilled to me already could only be attributed to the fact that they'd been to busy with their men.

And I mean men.

I mean, Felix I knew was with Bin and Hyunjin, of course- but Jisung? Damn. I'd kind of thought he was a Minho only type of guy... but then, I'd guessed Minho as purely Jisung-sexual as well. I couldn't have been more wrong. I smiled warmly. It made me happy when thing surprised me, though it was a rarity.

Though, if I were being honest- the signs were there. Seungmin had never been quiet about his love of the couple, especially after the way they literally saved him, and he saved them right back. That bonds people- it has to.

Jackson... well that was a bit more surprising, but I saw the way he looked at Minho that first day- when Chan was berating him like a fool. The way his pulse had jumped, his eyes had softened when they spoke- flirtatious. They meshed well, but I had figured they'd stay friends. Ji had blindsided him, gorgeous and cute, as he tended to do.

I was, however, dying for details... Which I would get over coffee, or cocktails with Minnie and Jisung. Sneaky bastards...

I sat in the living room, dressed for 'dinner'- which is what Chan claimed were our plans. He even went as far as to lie and say the others all had things to do and we'd celebrate another time. Unless those things were each other, I'd be shocked. One thing I could count on was that my friends never missed birthdays- or a chance to let loose a bit.

Busy my ass.

I toyed with my green sweater, rubbing a wrinkle out of my dark baggy jeans. I assessed my shoes, and they were tied tight. A leather jacket I was sure I wouldn't need was draped over the arm of the couch next to me as I waited.

I scrolled through my phone, finding the images of Jackson that Chan had warned me about. The comments were harsh- calling him horrible names. The majority were favorable, supportive- sweet. Mostly foreign fans who were used to people being able to love whoever they chose. I knew that technically you couldn't see Minnie's face, but I could tell by the way his jaw bunched that he'd been smiling, happy. I wanted that for him- my best friend. He deserved it more than anyone.

I sighed, letting my neck fall back, stretching my back and shoulders-which were sore from all of Chan's aggressive attentions. I was not complaining- feeling fulfilled and more seen than I had in a long time. Dating a musical genius/workaholic was not for the faint hearted. I had played dutiful housewife for a while, but then it just started to make me bitter it didn't matter if the dishes were done, or I took him tea while he worked. He never noticed that the laundry seemed to magically wash itself and reappear in the closet, or the way he never ran out of toiletries. Sometimes I worried it was because I was quiet, complacent.

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