Lunch, Dates

182 13 40

Jackson POV

I couldn't believe I'd said that.

I couldn't believe I'd meant it. My whole body was a ball of nerves- so wound up that I figured I couldn't possibly go wrong offering myself to Minho. I did want him- the way his mouth had felt against mine was still clouding my mind. I had wanted to dance with him in the kitchen even if he had feigned distress, it had been sweet.

And he was right. I knew the lyrics, I meant them. I was finding that once I had admitted to myself I wanted this...whatevership, it was so much easier to let my heart have what it wanted.

Minho had his head cocked toward me, an open-mouthed smirk flashed at me me as he watched me. I took a bite of dumpling – trying to feign indifference, but damn it was delicious. He could cook better than me, and I didn't admit that easily. Seungmin's pet name of Chef was apt, indeed. When I bit into it, a bit of juice dribbled down my mouth, onto my chin. I reached for a napkin, but Minho's thumb was there first, catching the droplet.

I watched, him, my heart slamming in my chest. "Here- don't waste it." He offered, nodding to his thumb, still waiting in front of my face.

"Wh-what?" I croaked, my voice cracking.

"I said, don't waste it, Jackson- I worked hard to cook for you." He spoke low, unbothered- but so fucking demanding. "Lick it off before it drops."

My eyes flicked to Seungmin's across the counter from me and he was watching, his mouth half open, expectant. Jisung was smirking- clearly pleased with the game Minho was playing.

I licked my lips and opened my mouth, my tongue lashing out timidly to catch the moisture on his thumb. My eyes closed heavily at the feel of his skin against my tongue, and my lips latched onto the pad of his thumb. I found myself sucking his digit- forgetting myself. I moaned low and breathy. "Mmmhm." I pulled my mouth off the pad of his thumb with a wet sound and dabbed my mouth with a napkin. I was buzzing- my skin felt almost raw with sensation. I realized this was how it would be with Minho. Teasing. Flirting. Sarcastically sexy. I realized right then that regardless of my pervious qualms, two tops could make a bottom. I needed him to show me, teach me...use me.

"Good, Daddy Jackson." He whispered, emphasizing the term Seungmin used for me. He'd said it earlier too. He said it mockingly- but that made it even sexier. I liked him teasing me.

"I thought you weren't using that term?" Seungmin butted in as he slurped a spoonful of soup.

"That was so fucking hot." Jisung panted "Do it again." He ordered, smiling.

"I was teasing, Minnie- Jackson it is from here on out. He winked at Seungmin who blushed prettily.

"I like it." I found myself saying.

"What?" Minho's head snapped back toward me. "I was just tormenting you a bit." He explained again- as if I hadn't heard him, like I hadn't known he was toying with me.

"I know- I like it. How you say it- the tone." I replied, "It does... something." I murmured, bending over my plate, taking a bite of dumpling, watching Seungmin through my eyelashes.

"It sure does." Jisung agreed, fanning himself theatrically.

"I see." Minho considered and went back to his meal, smirking knowingly.

We all ate quietly for a moment, the tension in the room thick and delectable like honey. Minho's hand rested lightly on my thigh out of sight of the others and I was having trouble remembering to breathe.

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