Jisung is bitchy (16)

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"How are you Min? You scared the living shit out of us. Blood all over your body! You worried us bad Leeknow.. what happened?"

Tears brimmed through my eyes as i tried to talk with my voice. "I'm not okay Chan.. I can't cope with anything." I said as the tears that were kept in my eyes started to fall one by one

"Its okay Minmin.." Chan came over to me and hugged me tight. I don't deserve hugs. The reason for, it's because i never really got them when i was younger. But this hug..? I loved every single second of it. It was warm, i love the feeling of being held.
I sob into his shoulder as he pats my back whispering praises to me to make me feel better.

I pulled away from Chan "I need to get home before my father comes back" I said and hopped out of my hospital bed. "No Minho. You need to rest and heal." Chan said pulling me back from the door.

"But i need to Chan! He will get reaaaally mad Channie..." Chan sighed. "You want me to take care of your dad?" he asked me and looked med dead in the eye. "Are you going to hurt him?" I asked
"Why wouldn't you want me to hurt him?" Chan asked and his eyebrows furrowed whilst saying.

"He's still my father, Chan. Sure he does some shit things to me. But he's really the only living relative i know right now, and i would love him. But i really don't. You can do anything. But don't hurt him Channie hyung"
I said

Chan looked at me "I promise i won't hurt him, Minho.Get back in bed." He smiled at me "you want me to call the nurse for you?" Changbin asked me and I shook my head and he nodded and smiled at me aswell.

A week later

"You can go now Minho" The receptionist said as she gave me papers of 'proof' that I got blood out of me by cutting myself. I saw my car in the parking lot and looked through my bag that Chan packed for me and saw my car keys.

I unlocked my car and got in putting my bag in the backseat and started driving.
My vision got a bit blurry at times but i just guessed that was the aftermath of being in a hospital with blinding lights for a week. I continued driving ignoring how my vision was blurry

I suddenly felt my hands get off the steering wheel and i saw a car coming at me.


I hear ambulances.

Jisung POV:
Woww.. Minho got out of the hospital... Well i also went to the hospital for the same reason and he shouldn't be the one who's cutting themselves.
I pick my phone up and answer the call without looking at the caller ID
"WHY WHAT HAPPENED? WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?" i started to panic on who was in the hospital

"Ugh fine." I didn't believe Chan when he said a 'bad car crash' so i took my time and got my wallet and put my phone in my pocket and got my car keys swaying them in my fingers humming a tune that was from a song that i was working on.

I started the car and drove calmly to the hospital and once i made it. "JISUNG DON'T YOU FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOUR FRIEND?" Seungmin shouted at me.

"No not really after what he did to me." Seungmin had enough and stood up from his seat

"Han fucking Jisung. Your best friend just got crashed by 4 fucking cars. He just came out of the hospital. I don't really care what you have with Minho right now Jisung, but you're acting like a fucking baby! GROW THE FUCK UP! HE GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT JISUNG! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF I ACTED LIKE THIS IF YOU GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT??! YOU SHOULD RESPECT HIM JISUNG. you're so fucking- ARGH! Seungmin screamed in my face

"I don't fucking care. He did something horrible to me so he should get something horrible to him back. I ACTUALLY WISHED HE GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT!" I giggled a bit at the end

"Fuck" Seungming whiserped under his breath
"Or what? I want to see Minho struggle"
"That's fucking it" Seungmin punched me in the face. Straight in the nose. I kicked him in his stomach and he pulled at my hair and kicked me down to the ground. I tired to get up but he held his foot down on my chest. "Think about what you have just done Jisung. You just lost your whole friendgroup. You will get downfall." Seungmin then went up to Jisung's ear "everybody at school will hate you"

And at that Seungmin took his hand and leg off of me and i skidaddled off. I don't get why Seungmin is acting like this.. ugh whatever.

I got Chanbing and Jeongin with me to drive to Minho's house to report him. Us 3 dressed up as policeman as Jeongin is one himself; kidding lol.
We knocked on the door and Minho's dad opened it
"I don't want dilly doo's thank you very much." He tried to close it but I stopped him
"What do you children want?" He groaned
"I would like to file a report of abuse and that tax haven't been paid in a few weeks.." Changbin said bringing out his fake badge and notepad
"Umm.. well I think you got the wrong house-"
"We don't Mr.Lee." I interrupted Lee
"Well-" Mr.Lee pulled out a gun and pointed it on Chan's nose

Changbin and Jeongin brought out their guns and pointed them at his head.
"Woah there.. here i was just kidding guys-"
He dropped his gun from Chan's face and Chan brought his gun out and pointed it at the centre of Mr.Lee's head

"Come with us. We've got our team as you hear the police cars outside. Get in the car and you won't be hurt. Minho's lawyer will be there at court and your past wife's lawyer will be there for you. Alright?" Jeongin said sweetly as the others and him removed the guns from the older's head.
"Yes. Whatever you say" The oldest man said fearful

The police cars were outside a policeman came up to Mr.Lee and handcuffed him quickly and put him in their car. "Thank you guys. Woah. Those are very fake police outfits you's got there. Can't believe he fell for it. Thank you guys again. But please get the target of the abuse as quickly as you can"
The policeman said and we bowed and Changbin said "We will. Thank you officer"
The policeman bowed back and got in the car and the other 2 cars followed.

"Now we're done with that drama. We just have to fix the one between Minho and Jisung.."

Felix POV :
I went into Minho's room as the nurse let me in. I scanned over Minho's beautiful features. I slightly smiled and thought that Jisung is lucky to have Minho like him. I glared to the other side and walked over. I grazed my hand over Minho's cheek. Tears formed in my pupils. My eyes started shaking, my hand matching the rhythm. The tears started to spill out.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..." Felix continued

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