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I'm sorry to inform you that I will be discontinuing this book, just like I did with my other one. I do have my reasons, so if you'd like to listen to them, please do. If not, stay tuned for my *possible* new books to come.

Reason: in my life I've struggled very hard with getting motivation to do anything. Even if it's the simplest thing, I always have to force myself or I'll never come to do it. In book 1 of this series, I was on a break from school, so I had a ton of free time, but my life was also (not that it was good at all), but better than it is now. I made 2, 3, heck, even sometimes 4 chapters a day, because I had so much motivation. Possibly too much. I got my hopes too high to be able to do that same thing again, when really I just started a new book with no planning or plot. I also have health problems I have to be careful of, so I have a lot of my attention on that. In between school, problems, home, and so much more, I need to take some things off my plate. I will continue to make other stories once I get ideas/motivation to, but for now, this is what's best. Thank you so much for all of the support and love on these books, it means the entire universe to me. I've never felt like people loved my writing so much. If you'd like, you can leave and never have to see me again, but if you want, stay tuned for new things coming. I love you all, and I'm so sorry.

- your favorite cat lover <3

Until The End of Time. - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now