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The party of the conclusion for the Garza campaign took place in the garden space of one of the luxurious Milanese restaurants

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The party of the conclusion for the Garza campaign took place in the garden space of one of the luxurious Milanese restaurants. Among the guests were important names from the Italian elite, each of them dressed as if attending a fashion week. Mila, the new face of the brand, looked stunning. She wore bright red dress from the latest collection, intricately hiding the most critical areas with lace while accentuating her best features-firm breasts, wasp waist, trained buttocks, and long legs.

Garza's co-owner, Alessandro, presented her as the most precious gem, and she spent almost the entire evening by his side, despite the disapproving glares from his wife. It was, after all, her professional debut that she had worked hard to achieve.

"Excellent, Mila, everything indicates that the campaign will be successful. I've heard nothing but praise," congratulated Kate, who had flown in from London for the occasion. She caught Mila leaving the ladies' room and pulled her aside, where they could talk undisturbed for a while.

"I'm glad, it was hard work," Mila said, remembering the carousel of diets, training, intimacy with Alessandro, and endless hours of posing. Even her brief fling with Marco, which initially served as a sweet distraction, was starting to feel awkward. Each of her affairs, sooner or later, succumbed to monotony. She longed for excitement, exploration, but she wasn't seeking deeper connections. Men simply had an expiration date for her.

"It paid off. I think by morning, you'll have several tempting offers, but first, I have to ask you - have you thought about the film?"

Mila expected this question. Kate was enthusiastic, and her own ambitions depended on Mila's decision. "Yes."

"And? What did you decide?"

"That I'll give it a try. I'll audition."

"That's fantastic news!" Kate exclaimed and started rummaging through her purse. "As soon as we're back in London, I'll arrange everything, and you'll fly out as soon as possible. You're going to be a star!"

Mila doubted it, but she didn't want to dampen Kate's excitement. In London, she read a copy of the script that Kate had sent her via email and had to admit it intrigued her. The film featured several strong female characters, with one of them, Princess Venetia, playing a significant role in the story. Contemporary society loved heroines of this kind. It was a pity that Mila didn't fit this role at all. Unlike her, Venetia was a fragile blonde.

"That's just a detail," Kate dismissed when Mila confided in her. "If you get the role of Venetia, the makeup artists will surely handle you. But for your career, it's enough to get a supporting role and get noticed by people."

In Los Angeles, greeted by the hot California sun, Mila arrived a few days before the audition. She stayed in a luxury hotel near the production company, arranged by Kate at her own expense. To pass the time, she endlessly rehearsed the lines of the marked characters from the script.

"What am I doing here?" she wondered every time she gazed out the window at the illuminated city. It was strange that this colorful dream factory could be her home. She filled the bathtub, went through various bathroom rituals, and when she finally lay down in bed, she couldn't fall asleep. Her past was like Pandora's box, patiently waiting to be opened. Mila knew that its contents were full of pain, but despite that, she needed to remind herself.

In the early 2000s, buxom Lorna Love was on her way to becoming a famous porn star. She filmed more than three hundred adult movies and even posed for a well-known men's magazine. Few people knew she was born in a small Polish town as Kasia Marininova.

However, her star never reached its peak. After wild parties filled with alcohol and drugs, she unexpectedly became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. Motherhood changed her. With the money saved, she bought an inconspicuous house in a good neighborhood and left her career in the porn industry behind.

Two years passed before her neighbors discovered her mutilated body. The cries of a child, tightly clinging to its deceased mother, summoned them.

"It was the Satanists," they claimed unanimously, pointing to a bloody pentagram on the living room wall as evidence. "Madmen who admire Mason and try to imitate him."

The police doubted the claims, but found no traces at the crime scene that could lead to the perpetrator. The case remained unsolved, and the little Mila, who remembered almost nothing from that period, journeyed to her mother's sister in Poland.

Life in Auntie's household under Uncle's patriarchy was bearable until the point when, at the age of thirteen, she was sexually abused by him. Mila never told anyone about it. After all, who would believe her?

Dr. Henryk Lipowski, a respected member of the local community who, along with his wife, took in the little orphan, was almost a demigod in the eyes of others. A perfect example of Christian charity. Even Aunt Patrycja, always cool and submissive, didn't want to know anything about it and closed her eyes for years.

As soon as Mila reached adulthood, she rented a small room in the capital and drew a thick line behind her miserable childhood. She worked as a waitress in a bar until a photographer accidentally discovered her and sent her photos to a modeling agency. It secured her a job abroad, but Mila began to realize that without a strong person behind her, she would be just one of a million pretty faces in the ruthless business. Fortunately, during that time in London, she met Kate.

"Don't be late, darling," Kate later told her on the phone. "Henry Goldstein himself should show up at the audition. As the owner of the production company, he wants to have the final say in the cast. If you make an impression on him, we've won."

Mila was a master at creating impressions, especially when it came to men, but she didn't want to get ahead of herself. To get cast, she needed more than just spreading her legs. "We'll see."


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