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‘Where did you get this?’ She asked. This was the first time since Pearl’s disappearance that Mrs. Julia spoke to Ophelia so directly, completely focused on her and acknowledging her presence. Ophelia stared, stunned. 

‘It’s not yours’ Ophelia stuttered, reaching out for the book with her free hand.

‘I asked you where you got this book?’, Mrs. Julia snapped, moving so the book was out of Ophelia’s reach. She looked flustered.

‘You have no right’, Ophelia’s protest continued. What now? She had finally found a place where she could get the answers she was looking for and now this! It was all Ophelia could do to keep herself from dashing towards Mrs. Julia to get her book back, damning the consequences, but she knew whose house she lived in and she was learning in recent times not to test the limits of Mrs. Julia’s benevolence.

‘Well, you’re not having this book back until you can tell me where you got it’, Mrs. Julia placed the book and her mirror into her bag and stormed out of the house.

Ophelia collapsed on a nearby chair, frustrated. It’s one thing after the other, all trying to stop her from reaching the truth.

‘Well, at least I have you’ she muttered to the blue-back, holding it at her eye level. Ophelia had to go out that day but before she did, she made doubly sure to hide the journal where Mrs. Julia would never find it. She was sure Mrs. Julia had seen the other journal in her hand and Ophelia had her misgivings about Mrs. Julia developing a similar interest in it.

Ophelia came back to meet the journal where she had hidden it. She locked her door, got out the journal, sat on the bed, and began to read. The first discovery Ophelia made was as to the owner of the book, a man by the name Guilever H. The first pages of the journal contained the day-to-day activities of Mr. Guilever, his appointments, and activities, nothing of interest to Ophelia until it came to a certain page where Mr. Guilever had an experience so rattling that it resulted in the first narrative account of his journal, a write-up of the event:

Guilever’s Note:

Today, at about 1:48 pm, I happened upon some strange creatures, dancing in the light, through the house. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself. They were three in number.

At this note, Ophelia who had been reading with disinterest and disappointment, perked up.

Guilever’s Note:

I followed them through the house, to what seemed like the entrance they came from. I intend to follow to see what is on the other side.

There was another sequence of lists and items, plans and occasions but another note came a little later on.

Guilever’s Note:

I have never seen such a sight. Words fail to describe it. I know the way, I must take my family through. There’s enough room for them there. I won’t really miss the house. I’ll explain to the children tonight.

The notes came more frequently now, as though his experience had changed him, making him more expressive. 

Guilever’s Notes:

Ann is being so difficult. Why won’t she be more cooperative? I wanted us all to go.

I don’t want to leave Ann but everyone else is eager to go.

Becky went first, John would want to go next.

I knew it. John’s gone now too, but Ann doesn’t want to go. All for this house. What’s the use of the stupid old house anyway, she might even love the dumb house more than she loves me, why else won’t she just come with us?

THE JOURNEY HOMEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant