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When Amber got to the library, she was met with something unexpected. Someone else from her home had gotten there before her. Amber recognized this individual's voice but the tone was so foreign to the person she had in mind that she couldn't be sure it was who she thought it was. She peeked into the library and saw that she was right. Her mother stood right in the middle of the library, arguing angrily with the librarian.

Mrs. Julia, an angry mess, paced and strutted. Her breaths came out in grunts and her eyes flashed with anger. When she spoke, it was with a high-pitched and shrill voice. Old Ann, the librarian on the other hand, looked thoroughly chastised but she held her ground impressively for such a small woman. Opening the door slightly, and leaning in as far as she could without being caught, Amber could eavesdrop on pieces of their conversation.

'And how many books did you give her' Mrs Julia asked.

'I can't tell you that', Ann responded.

'This!' Mrs Julia held out the journal with the burnt back 'This is not yours to give!' She cried, shaking the book vigorously. 'Where and how did you even get it?' She asked, cooling off a bit.

'It was given to me by the owner' Ann responded. 'You had no right to take it away from Ophelia, she has more claim to it than anyone else' she continued.

'I knew it, you were behind Pearl's disappearance' Mrs. Julia's accusations continued.

'She came for the truth and I was obliged to give it to her, just like I did when you also came to me not so many years ago' the librarian smiled sadly at this memory.

'You plan to take everyone from me until I'm alone just like you!' Mrs. Julia was in hysterics now.

'You chose to stay. You can leave whenever you want. That is a privilege, not all of us have' Ann answered cooly, her demeanour changed and her voice was crisp as she continued,

'I'll have to ask you to leave that book in the library on your way out. As the librarian, I cannot let you have it without due procedure'. She folded her hands in front of her and stared straight at Mrs. Julia. She wasn't mincing words. Amber winced at the thought of her mother getting persecuted for theft.

Mrs. Julia who understood the position she had been placed in by the librarian was in shock. She blinked twice before she finally vociferated at the top of her lungs and with tears in her eyes, 'Due procedure? She was my sister!'

'Yes, but she left the book with me. For Ophelia, not for you' Mrs. Guliever's voice strained momentarily as she struggled to keep on a calm demeanour despite her turbulent emotions.

Mrs. Julia stood dazed for a second, as though contemplating the gravity of her words, but just as quickly, she comported herself and walked towards the exit of the library, leaving the book on the counter.

Amber was thrown into a state of panic to see her mother headed in her direction. She rushed out and hid, keeping herself hidden till she was sure she wouldn't be caught, not even venturing to check if her mother was gone. For Amber was sure Mrs. Julia wouldn't approve of her library visit today.

After waiting a good while, Amber stepped up to the door, about to go in but then paused. She wondered what sort of reception she would receive. How was she to go in considering the scene she had just witnessed? Amber, not one to dwell on contingencies, collected her thoughts and immediately decided not to take the easy way out. There was no point in pretending as though she hadn't observed the entire argument. She decided to apologize on her mother's behalf as soon as she walked in. With this resolve, she reached out for the library door but a voice called out from within before she could enter.

'How long have you been there?' It was the librarian.

'Long enough, I heard most of it' Amber stayed true to her resolve. 'I'm sorry about 90what my mother said' she apologized, opening the door to see Ann's somewhat disappointed face.

'Amber. Why have you come here today?' The librarian's tone betrayed her surprise. She was expecting someone else.

'For the truth' Amber had a knowing look on her face and Mrs. Harry understood what she meant.

'Your mother-' Ann started evasively but Amber cut her short, reminding Old Ann of her self-proclaimed obligations.

'I have come for the truth. Will you deny me?' Amber was desperate to have her way. No one, not even her mother would stop her if she could help it. Her words silenced the librarian. 'I have questions' she continued. The elderly lady leaned against the counter, exhausted. Amber felt pity for her but she knew her time was limited. Her mother may have gotten home by now and once she discovered Amber was missing, there was no telling how much time she had until her mother tracked her here.

'I know there's a pathway in this library. The way Mr. Guilever took the first time, there was a hint in his book' Ann's eyes widened, not only had Amber read the book, she grasped the clue contained in its contents. A clue which Ophelia, its intended recipient had completely missed.

'I want you to take me there' Amber demanded and Old Ann could not refuse.

'Alright' she sighed 'Come with me' With that, she led Amber westward into the library. They went up some stairs into the living quarters of the old house which had been left untouched when the house was renovated into a library.

Amber lost track of the way they took but she knew she had arrived when they got to their destination. It was a large room, filled with aged baby items. Amber could see a small baby cottage off to the side. The room looked like it hadn't been disturbed in years. This was the room where Mr. Harry and his wife had raised their children, 'shared their first joy'.

Old Ann's eyes drooped, sadness laced over her every word, making them hang heavily in the air.

'Before you try this door, I want you to understand something. Some of us are unable to go' She said, as she spoke, she closed the door and opened it, revealing a cradle Amber had failed to notice earlier. The elderly lady continued in a grave tone, 'When you try to open this door, a portal may or may not reveal itself to you. I have seen countless of those who have gone this way but I have also seen those who, like me, are unable to cross this plane' Old Ann closed the door once more then turned to Amber.

Amber stepped forward and placed her hand on the handle. She felt the librarian grip her hand strongly, reassuringly, 'You must will it' Mrs. Harry gave her last piece of advice and let go.

Amber faced the challenge with an unwavering heart. She was absolutely sure she could open the door, the portal to the other plane. She reached out to the door handle and turned. A shimmer of bluish light entered the room, the light had been absent from the baby room previously behind that door. Old Ann gasped, she knew Amber had done it, The door had only opened for a fraction of a second when it was banged shut. Amber looked down to see another hand holding the handle with hers. 

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