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Pearl's heart skipped a beat, then resumed beating with increased intensity. The footsteps approached until her captors were just before her. She felt herself being raised and thrown on a chair. The gag was removed and she coughed and wheezed involuntarily.

'Declare your gift', the female voice hissed through clenched teeth.

'Stop it!', the male voice addressed not her, but his partner. Pearl heard them both leave but only one came back.

'I apologize', it was the male captor. 'I'm sure you're very confused right now but I assure you, we don't want to hurt you', He started.

Pearl kept silent, her mind racing. You don't want to hurt me? You already have! What is the end game here? Her thoughts chased each other but of course she was silent on the outside. In all honesty, she was starting to distrust this captor even more than the first, at least that one was honest about her intentions. But this one, this one had a hidden motive. Pearl determined to go along with him until she could find a means of escape.

'Do you need something to eat?' He asked.

Poison was the first thing that came to her mind. Or perhaps a truth serum. But to extract what information? What could she possibly have that would be of value to him?

'Why did you kidnap me?' She asked. This question was real, she needed to know.

'You see, our people have found that your gift, may be of great service to us' He answered.

She knew he was telling the truth.

'My gift? Like my talents?' She asked, still perplexed. She could sing a bit but she doubted that was worth kidnapping her.

'No, not that' her captor seemed torn. Providing further information seemed detrimental to him somehow.

'I honestly don't understand what you are saying' She replied. Silence followed.

'I think you might have the wrong person', it was worth a shot, she honestly believed that anyway.

'No!' A voice broke out from the distance, 'she's the one, I'm sure of it'. It was Premonition.

There it was again, 'the one', 'our target', 'gift', all words suggesting that this wasn't some fluke, she had been targeted for some reason.

'What do you mean, I'm the one? I don't know what your target did to you but I promise, I'm innocent.' Pearl pleaded.

'Why are we just waiting around? I told you, let's just take her home! They'll decide if she's the one or not', the female voice returned.

'I don't have the liberties you do. I cannot afford to use trial and error. I have to bring back the one, no second chances. I can't fail.' He said.

'Is this about your ego or your sentiments?' Premonition slurred.

'You have no right to talk to me about sentiments', He returned harshly, 'We both know why you're so eager to return'.

Premonition kept silent in response to his provocation.

'What's wrong?' He asked

'They're here' Premonition said, then with fear in her voice, 'Quick make a portal!'.

Pearl heard a whirring noise, then complete silence.

Pearl was alone in the dark for close to 2 hours. No one came. Pearl finally understood why her male captor had distrusted Premonition. She fell asleep in the darkness.

When she awoke, it was on her bed, Ophelia was still asleep beside her. She thought that the preceding events may have been a dream unknown to her, that was just the beginning.

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