27. Cheer Him Up

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Isabelle's POV -

"Are you guys sure everything is ready?" I asked to the househelps. Naveen ji was really upset after the Aahan incident and I won't even blame him, if my lifelong friend deciets me like this, I will be completely broken too. And thus, I decided to cheer him up by doing everything he likes.

Entering our room, I discovered Naveen ji sitting on the bed, lost in his thoughts. I approached him, lowering myself onto my knees and gently grasping his hands.

"Are you alright?" I asked, my voice filled with tenderness.

He emerged from his reverie upon hearing my words, and replied, "Yea-yeah, I'm fine." 

However, I couldn't believe him, for I still saw traces of tears in his eyes. I gazed at him and suggested, "Come, let us go and have dinner."

"What about our parents?" he inquired, always considering them before himself. The epitome of a perfect son.

"They are not at home," I informed him, causing him to nod. "And what about Sage?"

"She is staying over at Aahan's," I revealed, causing him to look at me. A flicker of hurt flashed in his eyes, but he swiftly concealed it. He made me stand up and rose to his feet, saying, "Then let us proceed."

"Oh, wait!" I exclaimed, placing a blindfold over his eyes.

"What are you doing, Iris?!" he exclaimed, taken aback. I offered no response, but instead guided him slowly towards the dining area.

"Iris, please, what is all of this?!" he questioned, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Patience, Naveen ji. Tadaaa," I exclaimed, removing the blindfold. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he was astounded by the sight before him. The entire table was adorned with a beautiful candlelight setup, his favorite. All the dishes were his beloved Turkish cuisine. I led him to the dining table and urged, "Please, have a seat."

He held my hand and pulled me to the other side of the table, offering me a chair with a gentle gesture. Even on his worst days, he was always a true gentleman. I sat down with a smile, and he took his seat as well.

"Did you cook all of this?" he asked, surprise evident in his voice.

"Yes," I replied with a smile.

"But don't you dislike cooking Turkish cuisine?" he inquired.

"But the one I love enjoys it, so I had to make it for him," I replied with a smile. I don't know why, but I thought I saw tears in his eyes. Changing the subject, I asked, "Now, tell me how it tastes?"

He nodded, took a bite, and exclaimed, "Wow! It's delicious." I smiled at his compliment and we began to eat our meal.

After dinner, I quickly loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and glanced over at Naveen ji, who was sitting quietly in the living room. I grabbed the car keys and approached him, suggesting, "Now that we've had dinner, how about some dessert?" I showed him the keys.

"No, I'll pass," he replied without looking at me.

"Please?" I pleaded, giving him my best puppy eyes. He hesitantly nodded, reaching for the keys. Just as he was about to take them, I asked, "What?"

"What do you mean? Give me the keys, I'll drive," he said.

"Nope, today you're the passenger, my prince," I declared, pulling him along with me. As we drove towards the waffle shop, I noticed Naveen ji looking out the window with a hint of sadness. 

I suggested, "How about some music to lift your spirits?" Before he could respond, I lowered the car windows and played 'Kala Chashma.' I started singing along, and soon enough, he joined in, forgetting all about his worries.

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