42. Clue?

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Author's POV -

Reyansh entered the hall, his footsteps echoing faintly against the polished marble floors. "So any news?" he inquired, his eyes scanning the room as he settled in after freshening up.

"I do have news, but I'm afraid it might not be particularly helpful," Mrunali replied, her tone carrying a hint of uncertainty.

"Spill it," Aahania urged, leaning forward with curiosity.

"Alright, so we made our way to the venue and headed straight for the VIP section," Mrunali began, recounting their recent encounter. "There, we bumped into Mr. Russi, and they engaged in a conversation in Italian."

"Any idea what they were discussing?" Isabelle inquired, her interest piqued.

"Definitely not anything pertinent to our interests. It seemed to revolve around developments and affairs in Italy," Mrunali explained.

"And how did you decipher that? Do you speak Italian?" Aahan questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but I had a translator handy," Mrunali responded, prompting nods of understanding from the group.

"Mrunali, could you detail his demeanor during the conversation?" Reyansh interjected, a thoughtful expression crossing his features.

"He seemed quite typical—fidgeting with his hair, tapping his cheek with his tongue, adjusting his attire," Mrunali described, earning a smirk from Reyansh.

"Typical, perhaps, but not for Mateo. He's not one to engage in such mannerisms, especially when discussing business. Normally, he'd have a champagne glass in one hand and the other in his pocket," Reyansh remarked, a note of suspicion creeping into his voice.

"What does that imply?" Aahania inquired, her curiosity matching Reyansh's intensity.

"It suggests that he was aware of Mrunali's presence and purpose there. The man's cunning," Reyansh concluded grimly.

"Nevertheless, we've gained a lead. There's clearly something he's concealing," Reyansh continued, his gaze determined.

"And how do we go about coaxing the truth out of him?" Aahan pondered aloud.

"I have a plan," Reyansh declared, her voice cutting through the tension as all eyes turned expectantly towards her.

Next Day -

"So! Why did you call me here?" asked Mateo looking at Reyansh who was now sitting in the bar, sipping on his drinks.

"Do I need a reason to call you in the bar? I just wanted to catch up with my old friend you know." said Reyansh.

"True though." said Mateo taking a sip.

"So any kind of progress?" asked Reyansh.

"In what?" asked Mateo.

"Mrunali and you? I guess you guys had ample amount of time in there to know each other right?" said Reyansh.

"We did." said Mateo.

"So spill it?" said Reyansh.

Mateo chuckled, shaking his head at Reyansh's persistence. "You're worse than my mom, Rey. Always digging for the juicy details."

Reyansh grinned, raising his glass in mock salute. "Hey, what can I say? I live for the drama. Now come on, spill the beans already."

Mateo rolled his eyes playfully before launching into his tale. "Alright, alright. So, picture this..."

As Mateo recounted his evening with Mrunali, Reyansh listened intently, nodding along with each twist and turn of the story. When Mateo mentioned Mrunali's mysterious brother, Reyansh's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

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