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I've never been so depressed in my life. I just got dumped, I'm technically homeless, I'm broke, I finished my cigarettes and I don't have a job. What's even worse is that I don't want to get a job and I don't want to move out(since I don't have another place to stay), but I'll get kicked out anyways by Tracy and their new side chick.

I hear something ringing. A phone. My phone. I'm too lazy to get up and see who's calling me, shit I'm even too lazy to roll on my bed and fall on the floor. After contemplating if I should answer or rot in bed a little more I finally stand up and walk to my desk.

Tracy is calling.

For fucks sakes, they couldn't choose better timing. I take a deep before answering.


"I'm going back home, if you're still there i'll kick you out with no hesitation"

"Is Sophia with you?" I ask, tears filling my eyes. Fuck this is harder than I thought.

There was a moment of silence before a second voice spoke up "Hey yn.."

I hang up. The tears starting to wet my cheeks. I refuse to listen to her voice or Tracy's voice ever again, I refuse to see their faces, to talk to them and to even stay in their presence. My stuff is already packed, I was supposed to move a week ago. I change into my clothes, cause I was wearing Tracy's hoodie and shirt; jinco jeans, black long sleeved top, a black oversized hoodie and a pair of globes.
After changing I can finally say goodbye to this shit hole of a house. So many good memories ruined by only a shitty, depressing, painful one.
Before I could completely close the front door I saw a picture of me and Tracy after buying the house. I put my middle finger up, knowing that it's not gonna hurt anyone, it was more for a personal satisfaction.


It's 3 pm. It's been two hours since I left.
Two hours of walking, dragging suitcases, crying in the streets, smoking (I bought a pack with the few money I had) and trying to convince any of my friends to host me.

"Come on, Cam! Just one night, one night and I promise i'll be gone in no time"

"Yn, I'm sorry but I don't think Trish will be happy to see the person she hated the most in high school sleeping on her couch" he tried to explain "Why don't you go to Alice's place? doesn't she live like a few blocks from you?"

"Bro she moved over a year ago. She lives in Canada now" I groan and retrain myself from pulling my hair "look, I'll call someone else. Thank you though"

"No problem, and I'm sorry"

I call another one of my friends, the last one. I'm surprised that I actually just have a few contacts on my phone.
After a short conversation of pleading, begging and passive aggressive bullshit, I'm officially homeless. A hobo. A vagabond. A wanderer. Whatever you wanna call it.

I stop at a park; families, friends, couples, bonding and hanging out. And then there's me, laying on a filthy, dirty bench, with messy makeup and hair.
I'm hopeless. Whoever said god doesn't have favorites is a fucking liar, cause obviously he does, and I'm probably one of the least favorites next to the starving kids and the gays.

I'm tired. So so tired. I think it's better if I take a nap, hopping that no one will steal my stuff while i'm asleep. I feel the tiredness taking over me, my eyelids are heavier. I yawn and roll on my side. I fall into a deep pool of slumber.

Love Sick (Johnnie Guilbert x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora