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"Yn are you ok?" Johnnie shakes me by my shoulder.

I look around to see that everyone was watching me "I- uhh I need to smoke real quick, sorry" I start walking to the backyard and take out a cig and as I light it I see another notification.

"I know it's been some time since you left but I really want to see you or at least talk to you"

I feel like i'm about to vomit. I almost forgot about them, why's Tracy texting me? They left me and kicked me out, I cut ties with my family and most of my friends for them what does make them think I'm gonna come back?

I get startled as I hear a voice  "Hey what's up?"  

I turn and it's Johnnie "hey.."

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost or something?" He reaches out for the cig and I pass it to him.

"Oh it's.. uhm nothing. Don't worry" I say.

"Are you sure? Is it about the dating rumor?" He gives me back the cigarette and I take a puff before handing it back to him .

"Nah..it's something else. Listen I appreciate the fact that you're worrying for me but I really don't want to talk about it"

He hums and nods before giving me the rest of the cigarette "Alright, hey when you're ready to talk you can call me or text me whenever you want. Kay?"

I simply nod and smile. As he walks to the house I call out for him.

"Johnnie.. Can I hug you?" I don't even know why I'm asking, maybe because he's the first person I saw and the lack of physical confort caught up to me.

He smiles and nods. We hug, not too tight or too long, but it was full of genuine affection.


"No problem" He walks back to the house and now I'm alone again, with my phone in my hand with the screen full of other notifications from tracy.

I sigh and decide that if I'm gonna answer, I'm going to answer later after consulting Tara. I'm now inside of the house, walking  to the living and as I'm a few feet's away I hear the others talking.

"I feel so bad for her" Tara speaks "I mean..she just got out of a toxic relationship, the last thing she probably wants right now is another relationship" The others agree.

"This whole situation started making her feel awkward around me" It's Johnnie's voice now.

"What does make you think that?"

"I don't know, when I asked her what's wrong she wouldn't open up or even look at me, only before I was about to walk in she asked me for a hug"

I hear a gasp, immediately knowing it was Tara.

"She usually doesn't initiate hugs. Unless the other person reaches out for her first she would never ask for a hug"

"I could tell, they were kinda stiff"

I heard enough and Im tired of hiding behind a wall. Before I walk to them I take a few steps back so it would look more natural.

Love Sick (Johnnie Guilbert x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now