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It's been a week since I started living with Billy and his parents and it did get better. My routine was pretty simple; wake up, eat, brush my teeth, clean the house, make lunch for me and Billy, play with Billy, teaching Billy basic knowledge, like the alphabet and world war 2. It was kinda boring but Billy's cute. I found out that not only he's polite but also very smart for his age.

It's 5 pm and i've been scrolling on my phone for a while, watching tik toks and instagram stories. Suddenly I see a notification from the latter app; someone texted me.

I frown and check who it is.
Tara yummy? Who the hell is that. She's also verified. Why is a verified person in my dms?

"Hey wassup Yn it's Tara, from high school. I hope that you remember(you probably won't cause you used to forget stuff all the time) how close we were and we hanged out quite a lot. I heard from Cam that you need a place to stay and I could offer you to stay in my house. I don't know if you still live in San Francisco but in case I can book you a flight for LA. Text me back whenever you want and remember that this offer will always be available. Let me now if you're interested! Xoxo Tara.
Ps:I'm sorry for you and Tracy, trust me you deserve so much better and I never liked their egocentric ass anyways."

That's a long ass text and I still don't know who's Tara. I check one of her posts and as soon as I saw one of her pictures I gasp.
Tara! The wannabe scene kid from english class. Gadamn she got prettier.
I think about her offer and quickly decided that I should accept. I start tapping on the keyboard and send:

"Hey Tara! It's been so long since we last saw or even talked to each other. You were right It actually took me a while to remember who you are HAHAH. Btw your offer sounds great but I really don't want to cause you any trouble, so I'll accept only if you're 100% sure you want to host me and book me the flight(it sounds like I'm using you lmao😭). I need to go now, bye!"

I lay my head on the couch's arm. The voice of Billy calling me and asking me if Im okay.

"Screw Tracy!"

Was that my imagination or..?

"I hate Tracy! Fuck that asshole!"

"What the fuck... Billy is that you?" I lift my upper body, putting my weight on my forearms so I could take a better look at the kid.
He was running around the hallway, screaming and putting his toy sword in the air.
"What are you doing?"

"You always say that you hate Tracy"

"Yeah I do hate them"

"Is Tracy your ex?"

"Yeah, they are" I go back on laying on the couch, covering my face with my arm.

"I should kill him! Nobody hurts Yn!" He screams.

I chuckle "Don't say that. He's a good person. Oh and don't swear, you're too young for that!"

"Yeah right, I still hate him" He said, ignoring my scolding.

I sigh. Kids this days.


After eating diner I insist on washing the dishes, since Josh and Michelle look rough. They must had a stressful day. They are now drinking wine, keeping me company while cleaning.

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