Epilogue/Author's Note

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He slipped up somehow. He doesn't know when or how or why, but the League of Villains haven't allowed him to leave their sights. He's being watched by Spinner in a long, eerie room, with tanks full of bubbling, purple liquid. Some of them are empty, with tubes drifting in the fluid, but most of them contain Nomu's, differing in size and ferocity. They hang suspended in their jars, their hideous bodies limp and waiting for war.

After the League of Villain's attacked Deika City, after Shigaraki took over the Liberation Army from Re-Destro, he hasn't seen him. The leader of the League of Villains has gone missing, and he knows that he's planning something terrible, something catastrophic.

"Just- let me go," he pleads. "I don't know why you've suddenly turned against me."

"Let you go?" Spinner scoffs. "I don't see any chains around you. Do you?"

He looks down at his body, as if he hasn't noticed that he's not actually bound down against his will.

"You know what I mean, Spinner," he says through gritted teeth. It's been too long since he's been free, away from here to meet up with Akira. She's probably thinking the worst. "What did I do to gain your suspicion?" He adds, hoping his words will get through to the him. "Tell me and I'll prove you wrong. I'm loyal."

Spinner pushes himself off the nearby wall, huffing in disbelief. "Loyal?" He repeats. "You don't know the meaning of the word."

"And you?" He replies, nodding his head towards the villain. "How can you remain loyal to the League, when all they do is cast you aside? I mean - look at you - you're nothing but a guard dog."

Spinner tenses at his choice of words, grabbing one of his swords from its holster across his back and storms up to him. "Shut the hell up," he threatens, the tip of the blade pressing into his neck.

His throat goes dry at his impending fate, arching his head slightly. Suddenly, the doors on the far side of the room open with an unsettling hiss and Spinner turns his head to the interruption, though his knife remains pressed against his neck.

"That's enough," a new voice announces. "Don't touch him. We all have our petty revenges and this one's mine." His voice darkens, his tone menacing and threatening. "So, back the hell off, Spinner."

Spinner grumbles in annoyance, before lowering his sword. Everything nearly ended just then. "Whatever. You keep an eye on him." Spinner returns his short sword back in its holster, sliding in with a metallic screech. "I got better things to do."

"Yeah, yeah," the new voice drones, his footsteps echoing around the room as he advances. 

Spinner passes without even looking at the newcomer, leaving through the double doors. As this stranger keeps approaching, he can make out his features a little clearer - he's wearing a long coat, just like him, his hood up, keeping his features hidden away.

"Who the hell are you?" He demands.

"Not so fast," the newcomer says slowly. "First, I wanna learn more about you."

"You already know everything," he argues. "That broker grilled me before I met the League."

"Yeah-" He scoffs. "Sure. The problem with that is you're a pitiful liar."

He hesitates, his eyes widening. Surely his cover hasn't been blown. He's been so careful. His recklessness better not have endangered Akira.

"Listen," the newcomers voice softens a fraction, though it doesn't sound like it's laced with concern, maybe a twisted version of sympathy, a condescending distortion. "You can cut the crap, okay? I've known who you really are from the start - Hotaka Tobe, or is it Hotaka Kiriya?"

Stuck With You | Katsuki Bakugou x OC [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now