Chapter 170 - The Burning Of Desire

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Kira couldn't find her father. She snuck away to their secretive planned location, where she traced her fingers along her message, unread and untouched. Something's happened. She knows it - her gut is screaming at her. But, there's nothing she can even do about it.

While Kira was away at Otheon, two more innocent civilians were murdered at the hands of the serial killer, their bodies charred with a Quirk that looks frighteningly like her own. One of the victims was the young worker she saved from the suspended lift. The one scared of heights just like her. 

He looks over at Bakugou, then back to Kira, still in shock. "I... I won't give up," he tells her meekly.

"Good," she says assertively. "You better not. I want to see you on another one of those suspended lifts as I'm patrolling the city as a pro hero, you hear?"

The young worker looks back up at the metal lift, then back to Kira again. "Okay." He nods, returning her smile. "You got it. It's a promise."

A promise that will never come to pass.

Two more letters have been engraved in the bodies of the dead, spelling out her hero name with the remaining 'T' and 'I' required, confirming her theory. She needs to tell Mr Aizawa, but he's been summoned away to deal with Eri. Apparently, her Quirk is out of control and she needs constant supervision. But, it seems like someone has decided to target her, whoever this serial killer is.

Kira stares up at Ochaco and Tsu as they team up to take down a few robots, obliterating them with ease. All Might has decided to take them outside for a spot of training, to hone in on the skills they learnt while they were away at their work agencies. Not only that, the threat that Humarise brought with them caused a lot of stress upon the young heroes, so a simple training session is just what they need.

"Next up!" All Might orders and Kira realises he means her and her team.

Kira, Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki step up, as Ochaco and Tsu retreat back to the rest of Class 1A. A mob of new robots rush the four of them and they instinctively work together, as Kira uses her new traversal technique to climb over the heads of the robots, Bakugou right by her side. Midoriya shares Todoroki's ice, as they swoop around to the back of the robots. Fighting them head on isn't a smart move, but from these two angles, they don't stand a chance. Kira and Bakugou fire their Quirks down upon the heads of the robots, reducing a few of them to pieces, while Midoriya and Todoroki combine their powers, a flurry of wind, ice and fire smashing through the metallic opponents from behind. The robots didn't even get a chance to formulate some kind of attack.

"You four..." All Might utters in awe, as they jog back to the others of Class 1A, where the next few can step up to take on the next batch of robots.

Ochaco comments on Kira's new movement style, her eyes wide with wonder. Momo and Kyoka join in on praising her for her new upgrade, while Mina takes down a few robots with a thunderous crash. She skips over to Kirishima and they share a few close words with each other. That will explain why he was so open with her a few days ago, convincing her to confess her truth to Bakugou.

"You two seem close," Kirishima comments. "What exactly is holding you back?"

"Everything," she tells him. "And absolutely nothing."

Kirishima approaches Kira, discarding the space between them. "Take it from me, Kiriya," he says, his voice quiet. "Say something. Anything. Or you'll probably regret it."

Class 1A trains with All Might for a few more hours, until it's time for their next lessons, normal lessons to prepare for the drastic, upcoming finals. Kira feels like she's been doing well, studying hard. Her friends have helped her with the topics she struggles the most with and vice versa, as they set up study sessions nearly every day after the school day ends. That is, until she learnt about the threat that looms over her.

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