Chapter 162 - Those Minute Observations

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After their incident with that psychopathic villain, Endeavour's vehicle's totalled. The authorities that eventually arrive at the scene, made sure to question them all thoroughly, before giving the students a ride back to UA. By then, it's extremely late, the stars twinkling innocently in the night sky, the moon only revealing part of itself to the exhausted students, keeping half in the dark, as if it's shy.

Kira peels her eyes off the moon, as the car pulls up at the dormitory. Three out of the four students thank the officers for the lift and the vehicle pulls away, leaving them stranded on the path outside their dorm. The school sits ominously behind them and Kira decides to be the first one to approach their home. The lights are all on inside, already informing Kira that her classmates have returned from their own work studies. She can't wait to discuss her new trick with them.

Kira climbs the few steps to the main doors, before almost tentatively allowing herself inside. She shakes off the cold as her classmates follow her lead, kicking off their shoes and removing their scarves.

"Sorry we're late!" Midoriya announces to the others.

The other students of Class 1A all spin from their seats in the living room, their faces lighting up in a mixture of relief, shock and joy.

"Midoriya!" Kaminari greets, shuffling himself up on the sofa, so that's he's sitting on the back with his feet on the cushions. "We were just talking about you guys!"

Midoriya practically jogs further into the dorms, eager to be reunited with his friends. Kira follows behind, her body slightly beaten after experiencing a new power and frantically chasing down that villain. Todoroki's still removing his shoes, as Bakugou shares her lack of enthusiasm.

"What's all this?" Kira wonders, fighting a yawn as she looks down at the table, at all the plates and cups scattered over the furniture.

Her friends follow her curious gaze. "We're congratulating ourselves for completing our work studies," Iida informs her.

"Help yourselves, guys." Sato gestures to the selection as he joins the conversation from the kitchen, carrying more desserts.

Bakugou decides to choose a space beside Kirishima on the sofa, leaning over to grab a treat from one of the many plates. He looks tired - Kira's stunned he doesn't immediately retreat to his room upstairs. Maybe he's curious as to what the others may have gotten up to during their own work studies.

"There's quite a lot here," Todoroki comments, his eyes roaming over the snacks.

"Well..." Ochaco speaks up nervously. "We invited Class B over too."

Bakugou's arm freezes as he reaches for another plate. "You what?"

"Yeah, we decided to invite them while we were waiting for you guys to get back," Kirishima tells them.

"And why the hell would you do a dumb thing like that?" Bakugou retorts.

"Because, man-" Kirishima says, turning his head to Bakugou. "We need to get to know them better. We barely know anything about the guys in Class B."

"We don't need to know anything about them," Bakugou argues. "They're just a bunch of useless idiots with weak Quirks."

Kira decides to interject before this conversation gets out of hand, stepping towards the table and picking up a treat. "Does this mean that Monoma will be coming over as well?"

"It wouldn't be fair to leave him out of it," Momo replies, though she doesn't sound pleased with the mention of Class B's eccentric student.

"I'm only bringing him up because he's the reason why Bakugou seems to hate the entire class," she points out, not intending to spite her own classmate.

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