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"Granting our wishes is one of Fate's saddest jokes

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"Granting our wishes is one of Fate's saddest jokes..."


Seonghwa POV:

Stepping off the platform, I could see the coffee shop in my direct line of sight as the sign itself was more than obvious to miss. With a sense of determination, I made my way over to start my day.
The location of the shop was in a prominent area, a perfect breakaway in the middle of Seoul to all who were in passing. People of all kinds entered the shop, always enthralled by the warm and cozy atmosphere it would create as they indulged on their much needed caffeinated drinks and sweet treats. The overall experience left a lingering effect on those who took part, a feeling of comfort and completeness.

With the sound of the bell ringing above me as I strolled inside, Mrs. Kim was quick to notice my arrival as a bright smile graced her face. "Seongwha, sweetie. Good morning."

"Good morning, Mrs. Kim. I'll just put my stuff away and I'll be ready to work." I smiled.

She sighed, waving her hand dismissively. "Take your time, you're always the first one here and the shop doesn't even open until 8. Plus, Seungmin, Felix, and my new hire Wooyoung will be here any minute now."

"I hope this new hire doesn't replace me!" I yelled as I made my way to the back room. Chuckling to myself, I opened my locker swiftly and placed all of my stuff inside, making sure that I locked everything up securely before returning back to the main area.

"Seonghwa, dear. Would you be able to work a double shift today? I know it's Monday, but I'll pay you extra?"

I nodded eagerly, the thought of earning more money was definitely worth the extra labor. "I don't mind, how long would the second shift be?"

"Until closing at 8. Since you get off this shift at one, you wouldn't work again until four in the evening. Are you sure you're okay with that?" She asked slightly concerned. "I don't want you to be too tired..."

"I'm fine with it Mrs. Kim, I promise. It's not like I have anyone waiting for me to come home anyway."

Mrs. Kim scoffed. "I find that hard to believe. You're telling me that you don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Actually, scratch the girlfriend part and just stick to boyfriend."

The word 'boyfriend' stirred a small amount of warmth inside my chest, but I brushed the feeling off quickly. "No ma'am. I'm not seeing anyone..."

𝘍𝘈𝘛𝘌𝘋 𝘌𝘕𝘊𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘙𝘚 | Seongjoong Where stories live. Discover now