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"If you wait for luck to help you, you'll have an empty stomach

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"If you wait for luck to help you, you'll have an empty stomach..."


Seonghwa POV:


"I'm sorry, Hwa...the landlord wants to rent it to higher buyer.....Hey, when do you get off of work? I'll pick you up and bring you there to get your stuff."

The news of my apartment being sold unexpectedly was something that shook me to my core. In previous cases, the landlord would be at least generous enough to give me two-week's notice. However, I was too stunned to process the reality of the situation, as now I would be practically homeless. My mind was blank, but I knew this was just another case of bad luck.

"Don't bother picking me up.... I get off at 8 tonight...I'll meet you there..." I barely whispered.

"Hwa, it's going to be alright, we will figure something-"

Not wanting to hear anything more, I ended the call and stared into the sky, tears threatening to spill from my eyes at my luck striking against me once again. Trying to secure a lease was nearly impossible during this time of year, and the idea of living on the streets was practically a nightmare to imagine. In this moment, I knew I had no choice but to accept San's long awaited offer and move in with him. Part of me should feel grateful that someone was willing to let me live with them, but another part of me felt nothing but bitterness at the fact that my life had surrendered to that notion.

The offer had been mentioned on a multitude of occasions, on each occurrence received nothing short of absolute rejection in return. He had already spent years taking care of me in my time of need, so the last thing I ever wanted was to still be asking for assistance or becoming a burden.

Gathering myself and my composure, I stuffed my phone back into my packet and made my way back into the shop. Wooyoung tilted his head curiously. "Is everything alright? That call seemed pretty important..."

With a plastered smile, I nodded. "Yeah, just a call from one of my friends. All good."

"Okay, good! Just making sure!" Wooyoung grinned, turning his focus back on the two other males who were now sitting next to each other.

Taking my seat next to him, the four of us sat together until it was time for my and Wooyoung's shared shift.

Time moved by fast and before we knew it, the time to start the second shift was upon us. "Good luck, you two. Woo, don't give hyung any issues." Felix pointed his finger with a teasing scold as he and Seungmin stood up from the booth. "I don't want any complaints, you got it?"

𝘍𝘈𝘛𝘌𝘋 𝘌𝘕𝘊𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘙𝘚 | Seongjoong Where stories live. Discover now