Chapter 1 || The House

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I wake up in the morning, I am 12 years old. The Alarm Clock keeps waking me up like i am trying to have a charming DREAM here ? !.. suddenly I hear the news I went into the hallway to the technology center, what do I see? "ROSEVILLE HAS A THAW OUTBREAK FROM THE LIMERENCES" no way was I gonna believe
that, our mom told us to pack up. I did.


you know my dad does? he sent off us off the technology center, we're moving to Monverstat. on a rocketship.. of course My dad and I didn't have to wear a astronaut suit, because.. we were a spacelike element.. my family went opposite ways. My dad, I and my sister Juliá (a crazy blue bird) went to the rocket.. while my mom and other sister THATS about my age, they went into the endless FCR, we warned them.

of course, they didn't listen..


we landed right? I queried, considered, did I really wanna be in this place? the city was .. how to put it? like a steampunk witchy HUGE village.. since I was new, I was relieved that I had a guide to help me on into the planet, his name was
"MYSTIC VALLEY" he guided me to many splendid challenges, the most helpful one was the combat, to fight robot bosses.


Egh.. I cannot believe I'm training this dumbie.. what a weakling. He thought. He gives me a twinge in the head asking stupid questions, little inbred— I think the whole asking thing was a little cute but nothing else, really. I'm distraught by his lunatic dull-witted mind of his. I contented when the training was over, I was gratified to have peace at ONCE.

NARRATOR-AUTHOR1 : the 2 boys of Monverstat
went home, If-so mystic was a quiet kid, WHY WOULD HE BE BLASTING OFF METAL MUSIC IN HIS ROOM??!! As-for Bibi, I guess he just got lost in thought, reading books.. I swear, he was a really smart kid with the attitude he has.


Mistake of your Life

Bibi greeted the daytime as he rised from the couch, he wasn't rich like mystic was, so he really didn't even have a room. Bibi gotten all ready and went to the magic academy where mystic has gone, the academy teaches very talented combat and magic with some awful consequences, like where you could learn "The Swirl" originated from the Air Element, and you'd still sweep up some books!

(How did Bibi go to the academy you may asked? behind the scenes mystic has exchanged him some money.)

Mystic went to the academy like it was just a normal day, training, spells, what was the fun of that? He opened his notebook, doodling while the teacher was not looking then erasing it while she walked by. After the 1-3 periods were over it was Break Time.! "What a grievous day to hang out with Bibi, or whatever his name is."
Mystic; Hey, bibi. are you up to something? like we can play games while break time or read books? I know reading is your favorite topic that makes you a care-free, so.. why not?

Bibi: Sure.. what topic? wait a minute, Astrological Stuff! or we could read the myths book, if you'd like. I really don't care · THERES many books about a an antagonistic marvelous voyages, you know I read alien books—

Mystic: Okay, so not trying to be rude here, but your ranting too much , we could go with the legends one and summon one of them!

They both go to the Fantasy Myths area and get a huge book, it seemed recommended and more ancient and accurate then the others.

Mystic: Page 103, Vuix Cortex? Huh.. seems like a powerful myth.

Bibi: tell me the details!

Mystic: Okay, hm.. Vuix Cortex is a evil clone that takes over anybody that will READ THIS BOOK OUT LOUD and make a evil clone except it will be a extra colossal. it targets the other person that's not reading this, and will ruin your lif—

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