Chapter 2 || Partake in Action

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Partake in Action
Sadly, Maya and Mystic only take a small role in this chapter, It's chapter 2 and the trio are all 14 but Bibi took a wrong turn,

Bibi has chosen to participate in the "Palace of Magic" where Emerald Vail worked at, he has met the 2 guards.. what are they're names? you may ask. we'll find out in POVS.

🌟Bibis POV

This palace looked very boisterous and steampunk.. I don't even know why I signed up, I could've just hanged out with Mystic and Maya. one of the leaders have contacted through a letter to me, they said I was very good for my age  I could believe that, I went to the ginormous door and was stopped very quickly by these two guards- One yelled " Mate, you know what your getting into?! A very very hardcore professional palace." The other one just peeked very quietly "J-just listen to what Dexter ..said." huh.. so the British green bird looking guy with a 1920s monocle was named an "Dexter"? I could snicker little. the quiet red butterfly with some sort of broken wings one said "Yeah.. his names dexter, mines Carlita.." did it look like I CARED about their names.. no. I did not. honestly. I showed my ID so I wasn't offline or something..

Sigh.. I had to let this pooron in, what else could I do? I felt bad.. also Carlita has been acting super strange lately, she's more quiet then usual. " alright mate, go on.. Carlita will **ehm** show you.." I'd let Carlita go show the pooron, he was a little RUNT! why would I show him my- Emerald Palace I mean!

Oh.. the blue boy looks pretty runty as he has been on the streets, who has gave him the money? I wonder.. of course I was more nicer than Dexter, If I was ever mean to somebody, I would be guilty for the rest of my life! Anyway, that blueboy was a bit of a bossy controlling bitc — waait! Would Netetha forgive me for in my mind?

SIGNS; Carlita = 🔥
Braden/Bibi = ⭐️
Dexter = 🍃

Emerald Vail = 🧪🦌

Carlita : hey, blueboy! What's your name?

Bibi: uhm.. B-Bibi Heelins you can just call me Braden if you want too-


Carlita: right okay Bibi, so.. what made you come here?

Bibi: uh, well my friend mystic valley made me, he said "I won't be going to that academy anymore, you can have my leftover saved money for it."

Carlita: Oh mystic valley? I SNICKER ..I bet he moved cuz he kept on getting picked on for his goth style.


Okay, Dexter.. I don't want to explore with blueboy, it's friend is MYSTIC VALLEY! everybody hates him, he's just a stupid little boy WHOS in a dainty little boots and a zestfest. His powers were so weak they had to move him to ELECTRIC class! he thinks he is the stuff. .. Netetha will you forgive me?

Carlita: alright, here's the classes! Electric Class, Fire Class, Water Class, Air Class, Ice Class, Toxic Class, Plant Class where Dexter goes-

Bibi: where's Star Class?

Carlita: we haven't heard of it over 1,000 years I heard that all the Star Students DIED of the FCR.

Bibi: the FCR? What's that?

Carlita: I might shed a tear. well, If a character breaks into the deer authority palace, or having a unlucky fate of being curious about the static puddle, they will just dive in deep into the puddle and be forgotten. . FOREVER! Does a scary hand signal

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