The Party

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TW!!! Part Contains Difficult Topics Such As: Self Hatred, and SH.

The next day...

Alastor combed through his hair, slicking back the fur that stuck up around his ears. He grumbled at the idea of the party, he wasn't sure if he really wanted to go anyways. However, Lucifer was already having Esther make him a suit for this special occasion; and it's not like he can just decline a new pair of textiles..he wasn't cruel. Alastor grinned at the mirror, making sure there was no stray hairs poking up in random places on his head.

The radio demon made his way into his bedroom, throwing on his usual red suit before he would go to receive to newly tailored one from Lucifer. He straightened his black bowtie and headed out the door and down the hallway. He had no clue of how many demons would attend this gathering, but his thoughts edged towards probably a lot. Stupid pointless occasions such as this were the most useless things to exist. He stood outside the kings door, taking a deep breath before he knocked. Alastor heard a loud thud from inside, before the quick sound of rushing footsteps headed towards the door.

Lucifer flung the door open, almost smacking the deer in the face. His blonde hair was rugged and unattended, and his eyes looked tired. "What?"

Alastor cringed at the look of the bedraggled king, not expecting such a untidy encounter. "Is my suit ready?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes, walking back into his room. Soon, he marched towards the door, a white bag in his hand. "Here." He grumbled dropping it in Alastor's outstretched hands. "Now leave me alone."

Alastor scoffed, a sadistic grin on his face. "Why~ thank you my king. You have fulfilled my request of a new and improved suit~"

Lucifer growled, his bright golden eyes droopy with sleepiness. "Go the fuck away." He slammed the door shut in front of Alastor.

Alastor chuckled, heading back to his room to get changed.


Alastor stood in front of the palace, waiting for the doors to be opened. He made sure that everything was nicely aligned on his suit, and that his bowtie was straight. Once he double checked, he gazed up at the large white doors. Gold trimming laced the edges of the magnificent entry way...maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all. He thought, looking around for more guests to arrive. He looked up, as the large doors opened, revealing Lucifer standing in the doorway.

"Y'know that you could've just opened the doors, right?" Lucifer mocked, a teasing grin on his face.

Alastor chuckled, walking inside. "I didn't know anyone would arrive to this stupid event!"

Lucifer snarled, grabbing the collar of Alastor's suit. "It's not some stupid event!" He sneers, glaring deeply into the radio demons eyes. "My daughter planned this event as a celebration of Hell's success!" He let go, pushing Alastor away. "And I would very much so, appreciate it if you were to actually act as if you wanted to come here."

Alastor grinned menacingly, staring down at the fallen angel. He grabbed Lucifer's arm, and grasped it tightly. "I only am here, because I'm the hotelier, and I don't want to get on Charlie's bad side...then lose my entertainment."

Lucifer winces, cursing under his breath as he yanks his arm away from the other. "Fuck one thing up at this party, and you're going to be venison." The king threatened, giving a hard look at the taller demon.

Alastor chuckled at the kings threat, finding it funny. "Alright your majesty~"

Lucifer storms away, joining his daughter at the other side of the large ball room.

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