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"Screaming..I hear screaming. Lots of it." Alastor told Lucifer, turning his head to where the sound was coming from.

"It's probably just sinners killing themselves, they do that a lot."

"I get that. But it is never loud enough for me to hear. This, this is way louder than it usually is. I think something's going on in Pentagram City."

"How loud?"

"Like bloodcurdling screams." Alastor explains.

Lucifer's eyes grew wide in realization. "I think I know!" He rushed into the hotel, at the corner of his eye, he spotted a new demon inside of the hotel. However, it didn't really look like a demon. Wait! That new thing is an angel! "Charlie!"

Charlie rushed to her dad. "What is it?"

"Charlie, who is that over there?"

Charlie looked over at the Angel. "Oh! That's Archer! He said he was going to stay for awhile."

A/N HEHEHEHE! Y'all see what going on? ... I'm going to shut up now.

"He's an angel?!" Lucifer seemed in a rush.

"Dad? What's going on?"

"Where's Michael?"

Charlie seemed confused, but still answered. "He seemed to know Archer somehow. He seemed delighted to see him, like very delighted. Archer didn't seem to reciprocate that joy, and yelled at Michael for something. I didn't here what Archer was mad about. But something made Michael break into tears. Yeah, that's really all I know."

"Charlie, this is really important..did he leave the hotel?"

"Yes, how come?"

"I'll explain it all later!" Lucifer rushed back out the doors, crashing into Alastor. "Come with me!"

"Your Majesty! What's going on?" Alastor asked, running after Lucifer. Damn, it seems as if Lucifer is panicking! "Lucifer!"

Lucifer slowed down, running next to Alastor. "I think I know what all the screaming going on down in Pentagram City is! Just follow me! I need you to stay safe though."

Alastor raised a brow. "Me, safe? Why wouldn't I be safe? If it's just some rampant demon, I can kill them on spot."

"You're not going to kill it! And don't underestimate this situation Al!"

"You're talking nonsense your majesty~ who would dare to cross me?~"

Lucifer looked like he was going to break into rage. "Al! Don't get yourself killed! Of I am going to order you back to the hotel!"

"Try me!" Alastor growled, shoving Lucifer a distance away from him as they both ran. "I don't take orders from anyone, your MajEsTy!" His radio voice seemed to falter at the end of the sentence.

"Please....Al" The kings voice grew soft, and he looked down as he ran. "I-I just want you to listen to me on this one...don't underestimate him."


Lucifer sighed. "You'll see.. how close are we to the screams?"

"Really close." Alastor's ears turned towards the sound. "Really close."

Lucifer suddenly tripped in something. He looked down and yelped.

"You seemed to have tripped on a corpse."

"No shit, Al!" Lucifer sneered, standing up quickly. "And there will probably be a lot more where that came from. Come on!"

Alastor watched the buildings of the city grow close. The view of sinners running towards them caught them by surprise.

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