Things said

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Alastor stood up, and looked around. I better get back downstairs for that trust activity. He sighed, not really wanting to participate in it. However, with Charlie's dad not here to support her currently, it was the least he could do to help. Alastor grumbled as he made his way down the tall staircase. He spotted the stage that Cherri and Nifty had set up in the center of the ballroom. He stopped in front of the stage, spotting the joyful princess chatting with Vaggie.

Charlie turned her head, spotting Alastor. "Ah, Alastor! Now we can start!"


After the party...and back at the hotel...

Alastor watched Husk gather with Angel by the couch, the two of them cuddling together and watching TV. He spotted Vaggie and Charlie chatting happily together, as Nifty went around and stabbed roaches. Cherri decided to hang around for awhile, and was sipping whiskey at the bar. He turned as soft footsteps tapped towards him, but began to quiet down once again. He spotted Lucifer in his normal suit, just without the jacket; instead of the suit he had been wearing to the ball. Alastor spotted a faint trace of gold blood still on Lucifer's hand, but didn't have the guts to go over there and tell him. He tried to have Lucifer tell him what was going on, the so called "long story" but Lucifer had denied, and Alastor wouldn't change his mind. Or would he? He shook his head, continuing to question himself as Husk walked up to him.

"You look a little distracted there boss." Husk mumbled, taking a large swig of his booze. "Anything on your mind? Not like I care."

Alastor faintly heard Husk, as he continued to think. "I'm perfectly splendid Husker~ don't get your whiskers in a twist worrying about me~" He patted Husk's shoulder.

Husk growled, shoving Alastor's hand off his shoulder. "I'm not getting my whiskers in a twist over you! I don't give a shit about you, and I don't think anyone else here does! Did you notice how nobody went looking for you after the battle? It's because nobody cared. The only reason I'm asking if something is on your mind, is because your staring off into the distance, and in the middle of the fucking lobby doing nothing like a fuckin bouy."

_ {Nathaniel the line}

Lucifer finished off the last sips of his champagne when he heard Husk yell from behind him.

Husk growled, shoving Alastor's hand off his shoulder. "I'm not getting my whiskers in a twist over you! I don't give a shit about you, and I don't think anyone else here does! Did you notice how nobody went looking for you after the battle? It's because nobody cared. The only reason I'm asking if something is on your mind, is because your staring off into the distance, and in the middle of the fucking lobby doing nothing like a fuckin bouy."

Lucifer watched, not knowing if he should intervene or not. "Just Stop, you two!"

Husk froze, turning his head towards the king, and Alastor looked away.

"Can't we just have a peaceful evening without any arguments? Charlie and Vaggie are making dinner for everyone, and you two are arguing over touching shoulders!" Lucifer sighed, looking back at his empty glass. He tapped it, signaling to Husk for a refill.

Husk walked away from Alastor, growling as he went to grab the bottle of champagne. "Just take the whole bottle."

Lucifer shook his head. "I don't need the whole bottle."

Husker shoved it towards Lucifer. "Just take the damn thing!" He stormed away towards the stairs.

Lucifer grumbled to himself, and just pushed the bottle away. "Alastor, are you oka-" He frowned, gazing at Alastor who stood in the middle of the lobby with his head down. "Alastor..."

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