Chapter 1

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Angelina's pov

I'm going to rip his fucking balls off! I can't fucking stand him. Making me do his fucking dirty work while he's sat on his ass doing nothing.

If it was for me his mafia would have fell to shit years ago. He's a no good, brain dead, idiotic leader.

Damien Kozlov does not deserve the title of Don. He's done nothing for this mafia in the last 3 years. And the years before that it was his men that did his job for him.

Damien Kozlov, 44 Russian mafia Don. Aka my kidnapper, aka my boss.

He took me from the group home I was dumped at when I was 10, he adopted me. Made me believe he and his son would take me in and take care of me. Love me like I was his own. But I was wrong.

I never thought in my wildest dreams he would make me his minion. Make me train day and night for 7 years to be his own personal slave. Someone to do the things he can't. But here i am.

Currently, I'm with my friend Fiona, who was also tricked by Damien into thinking she'd be brought to Russia to be loved and cared for. How naive we both were.

Currently me and Fiona are in first place. Miles ahead of our competitors. Racing makes us feel alive. Free from our nightmares.

The thing we craved most was to be free. Being trapped and isolated from everyone for years gave us something in common, making us great friends.

She too had been taken from her family, isolated from civilisation. Made to think her family left her to die in a fire he had created himself. She was taken 4 years ago, when she was 16. She was already trained and a highly skilled fighter. Making her another one of Damien's minions.

As we're taking a sharp turn we see everyone in the stands running.

I quickly break not wanting to crash into anyone and that's when I see flashing lights. The police.

Well shit.

"Fuck Lina, what are we going to do? If Damien finds out we're in deep shit." She says slightly panicking.

Suddenly 2 police cars slam their breaks and block us in. One in front and one behind. They get out of their cars aiming their guns at us.

"Get out of the car, hands were we can see them!" An officer yells.

Fiona and I look at each other and we know we're fucked.

"Let's hope they're not on Damien's payroll." I mumble and I undo my seatbelt and exit the car with my hands above my head.

Both officers run us, putting their guns away and cuffing the both of us.

They slam us on the front of my car, the sides of our faces making us practically one with the car.

They search us and luckily we'd dumped all of our stuff in Fees car tonight.

Of course we never go anywhere without a bit of protection, obviously having our knives in our bras, the two male officers clearly uncomfortable with searching us thoroughly.

They throw us into the back of one of the cars not caring if they hurt us or not.

Both me and Fee look at each other with worried looks on our faces.

We both know if Damien finds out we'll be in deep shit.

We eventually arrive at the police station, the receptionist looking a little surprised at the two of us.

We're quickly taken to an interrogation room and cuffed to the table. Both officers leave and I just slump back in my seat while Fiona is bouncing her leg up and down fidgeting with her hands.

"How are you so fucking calm right now?" She questions looking at me worried.

"What's he going to do that he hasn't already? It's not like he'll kill us, his whole fucking empire will literally crumble without us." I whisper huffing slightly, quite literally bored with the situation.

Me and Fiona aren't new around here. Most of the officers know us for doing petty crimes, unfortunately all the officers that caught us were on Damien's fucking payroll. And let me tell you, he wasn't to happy when he got numerous phone calls telling him that both of us were here and he needed to be careful before anyone who wasn't on his payroll got their hands on us.

An officer walked into the room looking at us both with 2 files in his hands.

"Fiona and Angelina I'm guessing." He says looks at the two of us questioningly.

We both nodded, a stoic look upon my face while Fiona is still fidgeting with her hands.

"We found both of your files. You're both in the system but your files we hidden. Like to explain why?" He questions looking at us both suspiciously.

"No idea officer, how are we supposed to know why are files were hidden?" I say looking him dead in the eyes making him shift under my gaze.

Of course we knew why. Damien didn't want us going back to our families. His men hid our files from everyone, only his trusted men who worked on the police force knew where they were. Making me suspect the officer in front of us was not one of his men.

I may run his mafia for him but I didn't know anyone who worked for him, only Fiona. Us being his best two assassins made for one big giant weapon. He wanted us to have no contact to any civilisation as much as possible. My present was her. For finally caving and being his perfect obedient minion.

"Well, we've looked through both your files and both your families have been contacted. They're on their way as we speak." The officer tells us and we both sit up straight.

"Our families?" We both say at the same time looking at him then at each other.

"Yes so sit tight, they might be a while." He states. Getting up and leaving us alone once again.

"Our families!" Fiona says excitedly. A huge smile on her face as she looks at me.

"Yeah, our family..." I say Condescendingly, smiling back at her.

My family left me. They wanted nothing to do with me. They left me. Like I was nothing.

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