Chapter 2

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Lorenzos pov "Get it fucking done!" I yell into my phone

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Lorenzos pov
"Get it fucking done!" I yell into my phone.

Fucking Russians. I hate them. They've been nothing but trouble for years. Always blowing shit up. They decided it was a great idea to blow up our wearhouse, blowing themselves up in the fucking process. Only a few making it out alive. Luckily we were able to catch a few and they're currently sitting ducks in one of our other wearhouses.

Suddenly Antonio comes into my offices, clearly hearing my yells or frustration.

"Whats happened? I heard yelling." He questions looking at me worried.

"The fucking Russians. They've blown up one of our main wearhouse. A few of them are locked up getting interrogated as we speak." I tell him, rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Fucking Russians and their bombs." Antonio mumbles to himself and i nod my head in agreement.

My phone rings and it's a private number. I contemplate answering it but decide to pick it up anyways.

"Who's this? I question suspiciously.

"Is this Lorenzo Russo?" A man speaks, his voice rough.

Definitely smokes 3 packs a day.

"This is he, who is this?" I question sceptically. To knowing who this could be.

"This is officer Dion, were ringing on behalf of Angelina Devina Russo. She's currently in custody, she got caught street racing. Her file has been lost for a while and this isn't her first time being here. As she's a minor, are you willing to bail her out and take custody?" Officer Dion questions and i stilled.

My tesoro. Our little girl who got taken from us 13 years ago.

"Sir are you still-" he says but I quickly cut him off.

"Yes, yes I'll take her in. Where is she?" I question, excitement in my voice.

"Russia, how long will it take you to get here? It says you're based in New York?" Office Dion questions.

"I'm leaving now, I'll be there as soon as possible." I tell him, quickly ending the phone.

"Who was it, where are you going?" Antonio quickly rushes out but I ignore him.

I leave my office and quickly go downstairs.

"Everyone get your asses down here now!" I yell from the foyer.

In no time I hear what could be confused as a stamped of elephants but are in fact all four of my brothers, Antonio following me down here.

"What's up?" Amedeo questions looking at both me and Antonio questionably. Which Antonio quickly shrugs his shoulders.

"Bro you interrupted my game, this better be important." Niccolo exclaims, a pissed off expression adoring his face.

"I have news. Some big news." I say trying to keep my smile at bay.

"Well spit it out, we haven't got all day." Francesco says, clearly pissed off he's down here.

"It's Angelina." I say and they all look at me mixed emotions on their face.

"What about her? Have you found her?" Amedeo quickly questions and i nod my head.

"She's in Russia. I'm going to go collect her." I tell them and they all cringe.

"Fucking Russia? What is she doing there?" Francesco questions and I shrug.

"I don't know. And quite frankly at this moment in time I couldn't care less. All I care about is getting her out of that god forbidden country and getting her home safe with us." I tell them and they all nod.

"Antonio is coming with me. You are all to stay here. Clean the house, get rid of knives guns, anything she may find. She hasn't seen us in years. Gods knows what's going through that poor girls mind." A they all nod, looking to stunned to speak.

Me an Antonio immediately leave. Quickly calling my pilot telling him to get the jet ready.

We're coming Angel. You're coming home.

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