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Shlatts pov
7am Monday

My alarm goes off absolutely blasting my ear drums out. I slam my hand onto my phone hitting the stop button as I groan. I slowly fall back asleep then my father swings my door open.

"YO JOHNATHAN GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP AND GO STALK THE SHELFS." He screams at me. I roll out of my warm bed as he leaves. I grab a gray shirt and some jeans from my closet and put them on.

I finish getting ready and walks downstairs into the convince store my father owns. I flip around the sign from closed to open. Then I see my annoying brother Josh is already working. I flip him off as he looks at me and walk to the back and grab a box to start stalking shelf's. My father is cleaning off the counter as I finish putting away my first box. I'm tempted to walk to him and say something but i hold back.

My brother walks up behind me and puts me in a chokehold. "WHAT THE FUCK JOSH-" I choke out before he slams me onto the ground.

"boys! Quit that!! I understand he's late but for fucks sake leave him alone!!!" My mother says gently. Shes really sick she shouldn't be down here. I walk to her and slowly help her back upstairs. "Thank you John..." she says.

"Whatever. You should stay upstairs. If dad saw you he would have gone crazy we all know this. You're asking for him to be pissed." I yell. I feel horrible for screaming at her but it's the only way to get her to listen.


My father finally lets me stop working after I almost slapped a costumer. I walk upstairs and plop onto my bed. I lay there for a minute before turning over onto my stomach and grabbing my phone. I scoff at the thousands of notifications I have from my ex. I ignore them all and call my friend Charlie.

                                 *during the call*
C: I saw Margo at the market today she was begging me to tell her where you are and what's going on

S: don't tell her shit. She's pathetic and annoying.

C: why would I tell her anything? Do you think I'm psychotic?!

S: when do I not? She threatened to hurt my dying mother Charlie.

C: oh don't be a baby about it your mother's fine.

S: Fuck off Charlie.

I hang up on him and block both him and my exs new number. "What an asshole" I mumble as I get up and change into comfy clothes. I walk to my mother's room and knock on the door. "Come in dear!" I slowly open the door and lean on the doorframe. She looks up at me with a sickly look. I want to throw up seeing her like this.

"Something wrong darling?...you look mad?" She says in a shaky tone.

"Im Fine mom..." I say as my voice cracks and my eyes tear up. She gives me a look of worry and pats the bed next to her signaling me to sit. I shake my head at her

"I cant mom. You know this....ill go make your dinner." She frowns at me and says back
"I'm not hungry dear." I give her a look. "What do you mean?" I say. "I'm just simply not hungry dear. Don't overthink it. Go on now." She says waving her hands at me to leave. I leave like she requested and make dinner.

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