~I love you John~

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Shlatts pov


I get home after visiting or attempting to see Q. In these past few years my mother has gotten way worse and I haven't been able to get out of my room for anything. Sneaking out to see Q was probably the most human interaction I've had all week. I can't talk to anyone but him. Well and my mother. Otherwise I won't talk to anyone. I shake my head and sigh. I need to go to bed and I do so.


I wake up to a call from that fine ass duck. Don't ask how I got his number when I'm his stalker alright? I just did. I pick up the phone and stare at the ceiling of my room.

Q: John....*sniffle*

S: Yes hun? What's wrong you sound sad??

Q: I left Awstens I-I can't stay there tonight...I'm not comfortable doing so...

S: Are you ok?! You can come over if you want. I'm sure my father won't mind darling...

Q: O-ok...thank you..I'll see you soon......I love you John.

He hung up. He hung up on me right after he said "I love you." He loves me? Quackity loves me. My face turns red and I start giggling and kicking my feet like a child. "HE LOVES ME!!!" I scream.  Gosh I can't wait for him to finally be mine. If I had it my way he would never have met Awsten. EVER. He will be all mine. I just have to get rid of Awsten. Once he's gone all my problems will be to.

11:30 am

I receive a text from my soon to be husband. It reads.

I'm here. Do you want me to like go through a window or smt? Actually just meet me outside please. I'm scared and cold.

I run downstairs and immediately open the door. I hug him as tight as I can right as I see him.

"John! Please be gentle I don't feel well...." He says.

"Absolutely darling." I losen me grip on him slightly. I pick him up and walk up to my room. He starts sobbing in my arms. In a way I've never experienced before. I put him down on my bed and hug him. "What happened?...if you don't mind me asking." I say as I gently stroke his hair.

"I don't want to talk about it." He says as he sobs into my chest. "You're safe with me...I won't let anything or anyone hurt you...ever you hear me?" He nods. I don't think he understands how serious I am. I play with his hair and rub his back until he falls asleep.

I didn't fall asleep that day. He spent the whole day sleeping.

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