~happy little meet-cute~

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Shlatt's pov
6am Tuesday

I wake up around 6 because my father called me for breakfast. I get dressed and walk to the kitchen.

"Morning champ." He says with a scowl on his face. "Well who pissed in your Cereal this morning?" I huff back. "JOHNATHAN SHLATT QUIT OK." I step back at his yelling.

"Darling don't yell at him!! He's done nothing wrong!!" My mother says. "Don't take it to heart John. He's just not exactly happy about having dinner here." She smiles at me.

"Who's all coming?" I ask. "Not a lot of people. Just aunt Cara and her kids!!" She says.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN CARA? IM NOT HAVING THAT BITCH OVER HERE." My father screams. "Oliver Please stop screaming....thats my sister we're talking about have some respect." My mother says in a scratchy voice.


I roll my eyes and walk downstairs and open the store. I sit at the cash register and fiddle with my drink cap. A few minutes later a man walks in. "Fuck he's hot. If I end up talking to him some time this would be our meet-cute!" I mumble to myself as I hold my head up with my hands. He waves to me and walks down one of the isles. I turn red right away at the small interaction. I quickly pull out my phone and take a few pictures of him. He looks over at me and catches me in the act. "Shit!" I blurt out as I put my phone away. He's putting all of his stuff back. "Sir wait!!-" I say as he runs out the door. I wait a bit before bursting out of the door and following him.

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