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it had been a while now and I felt as I was getting weaker, I could feel my body shiver and tremble, it hurt bad, but I had to stay strong as we needed to get to safety. I had kept checking on Judith as I didn't want harm done to her I felt as I was her family as I had no one now at lest I think. I don't even know if my brother is alive which makes my heart feel dead, he's the last of me.
"Do you think everyone is okay". I was worried about my brother I didn't want to lose him.
"He's strong I bet he's fine". Carl focused on getting us safe as he was very concerned to find his dad and friends.
I was very worried I didn't want to lose my close ones. I looked around seeing that the sun was starting to go down. I was shivering bad as I was getting cold.

We are getting close I listened to what he said but it was kind of hard to make out the words as I was starting to feel dazed and lost. 

Me and Carl had made it there before he helped me down and grabbed Judith from my arms. We walked inside hoping they would be there. Carl helped her sit down and handed her Judith so he could look around he griped his gun an began to walk around. "anyone there". He walked a bit with his gun clamped in his hands as he wasn't afraid to shoot the dead or anyone who wasn't are group. He kept looking before he heard a noise he walked in almost shooting before seeing Maggie and Beth with Sasha. "Omg you're okay". Beth walked over and hugged him.

Maggie gave him a hug to along with Sasha."Well I need your help Enid was shot pretty bad". Maggie and the rest looked worried before they walked out fast to Enid. She was sat on the floor with her eyes barley even opened which caused them to worry even more for her. Beth Quickly kneeled down and hugged her. "its going to be okay Enid just stay with us". Beth was in tears she didn't want to lose another one of her beloved. Beth watches as she can see the pain in her body by her movements.

"Maggie do something please". Beth looked at her with tears. "okay I need you to go and find me some cloth". Carl and Beth go and look for come cloth. Maggie sits down next to her and began to examine it carefully. She carefully removes her shirt to get a closer look. Beth and carl come back with some supplies they had found from the back and put it on the floor for Maggie.


~The next day~

I woke up and looked around as I tried to move, I let out a small groan in pain. I looked around and had saw that more people were here now, I saw Glenn, Tyress,Carol,Daryl and some others. I didn't see my brother though which worried me because I was scared, he had died in the attack.

As I tried to move again Maggie had come to my side and had told me not to move so much as it could cause more damage as I was in bad shape, I felt a tad bit dizzy still has i did lose a lot of blood. She leaned me against the wall before she brought something to my lips as it was some water, I started to chug it as I was parched and needed this, but I was also hungry, but I didn't really mind. I also couldn't get my mind off the fact the governor is still alive and had gotten away after having a mass murder of my people especially Hershel he was just like my mom and grandpa and now he is gone, and I don't even know if my brother is okay.

"Maggie the governor is still alive". I gave her a mad but a sad look as I didn't know what to feel at the moment. "It's okay we can talk later but you need rest and I'm sure the governor has stuff coming for him". she gave me a slight smile as she got up and walked over to Glenn. Carl walked over and sat by me and gave me a smile. "How are you feeling". I gave him a slight smile. "Been better before". I looked him in the eyes as you could see the pain in my eyes as they were a bit red and watery but I had to fight the pain and keep going no matter what. Carl gave me a nod."You took a hell of a hit I would say". He looked down at my wound as his eyes were studying it weirdly but I didn't mind."How's Judith doing". I was very worried about her to since she was only still a baby."She's doing good thanks to you for getting her out of there". I gave him a nod as he looked relieved to know his sister even got out before the treacherous would have happened to her.  He had gotten up to go and help Beth with some work around the place and help the others who may be wounded or just need some help. 


~a few hours later~

I felt like I have been sitting here for hours as It's been almost 4 hours it seems as the sun is starting to set down creating this yellowish orange light shining into the bordered up windows. It was nice but it seemed as It has been so long now and I miss my brother more then anything right now, I need to know if he's okay or not its bugging me badly. As I sat there I heard some cars so I rushed to look out the window to see who and it was sure enough the rest of our group. I ran out to my brother as he got out of the car I ran straight into his arms and lets my tears fall from my tired eyes.

"I thought I lost you again". I cried into his shoulder as I was happy to see him and alive he didn't even look like he had a scratch on him."Im okay, but what happened to you" his eyes were wandering my wound as he seemed worried sick about me." Im okay don't worry". He gave me a small nod. I looked over to see who all lived I saw Rick and Carl hugging and even Rick crying as he looked down at Judith while hugging Carl. I felt happy for them. I walked over to Rick and carl. Rick put a hand onto my head as he gave me a smile."Thank you for saving Judith I owe you one". He smiled at me as he nodded as he seemed very grateful and proud of me. " you don't owe me anything". I put my hand on my side on my wound as I  felt a urge of pain but I was fine as I walked away to my brother. I walked inside with him so he could get some rest as I'm sure he needed it after all that ruckus we all just had. He sat down onto the floor. He looked up at me as I sat down next to him." I found this bow and thought you might want it". He gave me a small smile as he handed me the bow."thank you brother". I smiled at him as I hunted when I was little with my grandpa all the time and I was pretty good with the bow so I was very grateful towards him for this gift. 

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