Chapter 10

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Naruto: Talking/ Thinking

Kurama: Talking/ Thinking

A few days after Team #7 started their mission...

Team #7 is now on a mission. Narumi, Sasuke, and Sakura were in position. 

"What's the distance to target?" Kakashi asked on the headset.

"Five meters. I'm ready at any time"

"So am I"

"Me too"

"Okey... Go!!" Kakashi said.

Sasuke, Sakura, and Narumi went out of their hiding spot and tried to catch their target. You might be wondering what mission they are doing. Well, they are doing the D-Rank Mission: Catching Tora, the cat of the fire country lord's wife Madam Shijimi.

Tora, at first trashed around her surroundings as she tried to escape from her grasp. However, after Tora realizes Narumi is the one who held her, she instantly relaxes in her embrace and goes into slumber. Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi were now glad Narumi was the one who caught her because strangely, during the mission, Tora didn't like to be held. But it seems that Narumi is an exception.

They confirm that the cat is Tora by checking if there's a ribbon on the left ear.

"Are you sure this is the target, Tora?" Kakashi asked on the walkie-talkie.

"Yeah, we're sure" Sasuke replies.

"Good, lost pet 'Tora' Search Mission... Complete" Kakashi stated.

The 4 went to the Hokage's office with the cat still sleeping in Narumi's arms.

The Fire Country Lord's Wife, Madam Shijimi came to the office minutes later to take her beloved cat, Tora... But to every ninja who undergoes this during the time they became a Genin that has to catch the cat except Narumi would call the cat, Tora 'Demon Cat'.

"Oh, my cute little Tora-Chan. I was so worried." Madam Shijimi said while cuddling tightly with the cat which made her hiss.

"No wonder it ran away..." Sakura thought.

Sasuke and Kakashi just emotionlessly just stared at the reaction.

Narumi decided to take matters into her own hands...

"Madam Shijimi, I would like to give you some advice that would happily make Tora stay with you and won't run away again... Would you like to know it?" Narumi asked.

Madam Shijimi turns to her.

"Tell me, young lady, I don't want my cute little Tora-Chan to run away from me," She said.

"All you need to do Madam is to not cuddle Tora too tightly until it's hard for her to move... excuse me," Narumi said.

She went to Madam Shijimi and guided her on how to cuddle Tora properly without injuring her and have enough space for Tora to move freely. Tora happily cuddles up to Madam Shijimi.

"Why thank you, dearie, I shall give you a bonus for your assistance," Madam Shijimi said.

"Oh no, there is no need for the bonus, I'm flattered with just your compliments" Narumi replies.

"No, I insist, you really help me, dearie... I thank you again for your advice and service... now then, I'll be off" Madam Shijimi stated.

She left the Hokage's office with Tora happily. This didn't go unnoticed by the other ninjas who were just passing by. They were all shocked since this was the first time the duo walked out all happily together.

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