2. A Girl and her Maximals

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As the 2 Dinosaurs wander across the jungle, they run into the Autobots' sworn enemies, the Decepticons. But, how did they get to an alternate dimension?

Megatron(Predacon): "It is you, isn't it? Yesss! Lord Megatron, at last! (Transforms) Megatron... greatest leader of the Decepticons, my namesake, whose destiny lies in an endless war. That is, until now... thanks to this."

At the same time, the trio, and Phoebe sneak into a cave where the Maximals meet the Autobots. Speaking of which...

Prowl: "Optimus, we should be dealing with primary matters, like, what happened to the Allspark."


Bee: "Okay, you owe us some answers!"

Primal: "I owe you nothing!"

Bee: "You beast come in here, try to kill us, strip our ship for parts, and then what?"

Rattrap: "Ay, we don't use the term "beasts" as we own it."

Primal: "Well, perhaps we can help each other. And, with our technology, that is if you can tell us who you are."

Primal: "It's complicated."

Optimus: "In our travels, we have encountered Quintessons, bounty hunters, humans, and old friends?"

Cheetor: "Humans? Does he mean-"

Rattrap: "Not now, Spots. Let 'em cook!"

As Optimus explains his namesake about the time they spent traveling in space, as well as hanging out on Earth, Primal starts to think that they're right, except...

Primal: "You stole the Allspark and left Cybertron to rot! And while you were apparently gallivanting through the stars, we were left to deal with the consequences of your treachery!"

Optimus: "I know you're angry with me for not handling the Allspark, but I must recover it, this time, and save Cybertron. You must understand how close we are."

Primal: "The Allspark is here? But that would mean... Pfft. It doesn't matter."

Optimus: "It's the only thing that matters. We are engaged in a fight for our future."

Primal: "Our Future"? So now you want our help after you ruined everything?! My crew and I have been stranded on this planet, locked in a constant battle against the Predacons! Now, after cycles of that, we were just about to end this conflict, when you used the Allspark to bring us here! Well, screw that! I won't let you ruin our chances!"

Optimus: "Cycles, wait, how do you know what happened to the Allspark? Who are you?"

The tiger bot, Tigatron, receives a transmission from his comrade Airazor, the falcon, revealing the threat of both Megatrons. Optimus Primal finally explains that he is the leader of the Maximals, who are bots from the future.

Well, they weren't the only ones, anyway. Predacon Megatron explains to the original Megatron that the Maximals and Predacons were from the future, where the strongest Cybertronians survived in a dead Cybertron due to the loss of the Allspark. When the original Megatron questions why they went to Earth at this time of all places, Predacon Megatron asserts that he specifically wanted to deliver the Golden Disk to his ancestor—the disk contains all of Megatron's past, present, and future memoirs, unique to his Energon signature. When the original Megatron suspects treachery on Predacon Megatron's behalf, he explains that his existence from the future of Cybertron is essentially proof that Prime never succeeded in retrieving the Allspark.

As Starscream expresses disgust at the sycophantic Predacons and his lack of recognition from his peers, the arachnid Predacon Blackarachnia sneaks up on Starscream to polish his wounded ego. The two 'cons then form an alliance in secret.

Wheeljack: "Well, pop my trunk! Time travel? Wicked! We experienced that before and we came to 2024!"

Back at the Ark, the Autobots and Maximals struggle to trust each other, with the rat Maximal Rattrap suggesting the discovery of the Allspark will halt their alternate timeline and erase the Maximals' existence, but the idealistic cheetah Maximal Cheetor argues that stopping Megatron is more important than safeguarding their own existence.

Tigatron: "We... have to help them. Fate has warped time and space to give us an opportunity to aid our ancestors in their darkest hour. You're going to let that slip by?"

Meanwhile, Phoebe tells the trio her own story about how she ended up in the jungle, where the Maximals and Predacons were at war.

Steven: "Is that what happened?"

Phoebe: "Curiosity killed the cat", so instead of killing me, it sent me to a future version of Skull Island."

Meanwhile, Airazor is spotted by Waspinator and gunned down, enabling Soundwave to drag her back to the Nemesis at the mercy of both Megatrons...

Soundwave: "Your information is useful."

Waspinator: "Well, Waspinator did have plans after all."

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