Operation: Save Anya

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Y/N checked his phone, wondering what had been published about his escapades the previous night. "Green headed menace rampages across Union City, fights UA staff and students." He read out loud as he took a seat on the couch. "Huh, he said to himself as he walked over to his fridge. Opening the door, he realised that he didn't have any food yet. "Oh yeah, I need groceries." He said as he grabbed his wallet and keys. Exiting the room, he saw the father and daughter from yesterday, plus a woman with black hair and a large white dog. "Excuse me." Y/N said as he approached the group. "Uh, hello. How may we help you?" "I just moved in and wanted to know the nearest grocery store." The man turned before adjusting his hat. "It's just down the street and take a left." "Thank you." "Hey, you're that guy from yesterday." "Yeah, hi there. Anya, right?" "Yeah." The father checked his watch. "We got to go, come on now." He said as Anya grabbed his hand. "Bye bye." "Bye."

The Forgers walked around the park, Bond walking alongside Anya. "We're going on a hike, we're going on a hike. Today's the day, hip hip hooray, we're going on a hike." Anya sang as she skipped across the sidewalk. "Careful Anya, don't go running off." "I won't." Anya said as she ran around in circles. "Have fun, Ms Anya." Yor said as she watched the girl run off. The young girl took off her backpack and pulled out a brand new kite. She did her signature grin as she placed it on the ground before grabbing the string and pulling it behind her as she ran toward her parents when she suddenly felt a tug on the string. She turned and saw a man with silver hair had stepped on the string. Frustrated, she walked towards him and saw him conversing by a tree with a woman in a red dress, a girl with green hair, a girl with black hair and green eyes, and an unknown fourth figure. "-So anyway, for the rest of the time after we destroy Union and kill all the students and teachers, we will then go on to capture the Winter Maiden in Atlas before-" "Uh, Cinder." The green haired girl pointed at Anya, who was staring at them like this.

" The green haired girl pointed at Anya, who was staring at them like this

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Cinder turned and smiled falsely. "Excuse me little girl, you wouldn't happen to have heard what I just said now, would you?" Anya shook her head very slowly. 'I'm gonna kill this little brat if she so much as blinks.' She heard the woman think as Anya turned around, only to come face to face with the gray haired man. "Sorry about this, kid." He said as he grabbed her. Near her parents, Bond started barking angrily as he pulled his leash from Loid's hand. "Bond, bad dog. Where are you going?" Loid said as he chased the dog. Bond kept barking as he approached the group of kidnappers. Loid in the distance saw Mercury carrying a squirming mass, but couldn't see close enough to get a good look. "Bond, get back here." He shouted as he got closer. Bond slowed as he came to the tree where the group was talking. He looked to the ground and pointed before turning back to Loid and barking again. Loid approached and saw what the dog was looking at. One of Anya's hairpins. Loid reached into his jacket for his gun, only to notice people nearby. He grimaced before walking over to the nearest ones. "Excuse me, did you see a little girl with pink hair and these in her hair around here?" Loid said as he held up the hair clip. Bond, on the other hand, followed the smell of Anya.

"Nope, sorry mister." "Haven't seen her." "No." Loid frowned angrily before running back to the tree to look for clues. "Loid, where's Anya?" "I think she might have been taken." Loid said as he looked for footprints. Yor gasped as she immediately jumped into the tree before climbing to the highest branch to look for Anya or the perpetrators. "I can't see her. Loid, Bond's following something." Yor pointed out the dog in the distance, following the scent of peanuts and motor oil. "Yor, call the police, I'll follow the dog." Loid said as he continued running after the dog. Yor quickly phoned the police and explained the situation. Bond and Loid ran towards the source of the smell.

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