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shinji ikari, commander of the fortress that was once known as iserlohn, was now after extensive refit and modification was rechristened the fortress of GEHIRN, shinji's home, since the full awakening and evolution of provisional evangelion unit-01, shinji has been pulling major parties from different dimensions together, changing them irrevocably as a result

in doing this he has brought together superpowers in what has become the intergalactic union, or IGU, for short, the IGU still has it's various smaller states, including the united federation of planets, the interstellar alliance of babylon 5, the citedal alliance (after utterly crushing the reapers), the UNSC and the swords of sanghelios, the colonial navy, the UN spacy, and the newest alliance being the VERS empire, the ZAFT union, a fusion of the ORB union and ZAFT who with aid from commander ikari, destroyed blue logos and all surrounding factions therein and absorbed the earth alliance as result creating a single superpower, the united federation of nations, with britannia under nunnally vi britannia's leadership being recently annexed, and several other smaller powers, that encompass the IGU

the shinji's organization stands as neutral ground between all of the nations, with GEHIRN itself being the headquarters for his organization which was known as NERV, retaking the name from his father and reforming it under it's original doctrine of protection, they have their own military and are heavily defended as a result, using plans donated to them from the systems alliance of the citadel but upscaling the ships significantly, just as the fortress was upscaled to be the size of an entire planet, built around the premise of the ecumenopolis of the galactic republic but as a military installation, the fortress is exceedingly automated, making it so it could be controlled only by the commander if necessary, despite it having a standard crew compliment of four thousand

GEHIRN could be found in a highly dangerous nebula, that could only be accessed through a very specific pathway that is also highly guarded

the fortress itself is also exceedingly armed, inside and out, as it not only has access to iserlohn's armaments, but it has access to several extra armaments as well, being so heavily upscaled it is houses the largest force in the IGU which is ironic considering the organization is neutral grounds, but the NERV old guard, as they were called were some of the most powerful forces out there, the majority of the armed forces were actually clones, using kaminoans clone technology alongside technology from the jem'hadar, and rei ayanami, and then adding the spartan program of the UNSC into it these guys are the best, they are also loyal to shinji ikari, and him alone

the few non-spartan personnel of the fortress are equally as loyal, this included the head scientist, and chief test-pilot of the organization, rei ayanami, and the subcommander of the organization eriella samaya, who was a failed repli-child of ericht that was placed into the gundbits for ease of control

eriella resented ericht and elnora samaya, but was indifferent towards suletta, why, because suletta didn't know of eriella's existence, and so could be forgiven for leaving her behind when the aerial and the other gund-arms were destroyed, but el...

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eriella resented ericht and elnora samaya, but was indifferent towards suletta, why, because suletta didn't know of eriella's existence, and so could be forgiven for leaving her behind when the aerial and the other gund-arms were destroyed, but elnora knew and ericht definitely knew, because of this she had a dislike for the samaya family as a whole, she latched onto shinji ikari, for one reason, he too was used after all

"commander" eriella said, as she walked in, datapad in hand as she walked up to the desk and handed it to her, looking over the report i sighed

"this is getting out of hand" i said

"our intelligence indicates that jedi have joined into this doctrine as well" eriella said, i messaged my, as i saw the heading for the file

the faith of the fallen

who was the fallen, you may ask, provisional evangelion unit-01 and it's pilot, shinji did something equivalent to the gods, and killed a god-level threat, that being trihexa, combine that with him aiding the angels by using his EVAs power to change god's system rather forcibly, so the angels could sin, though if they sinned too much they'd become a devil, that was one thing shinji did, he eliminated the fallen, and the fallen that already existed had a choice elevate back to their previous status as holy angels, or complete their falling and become devils

what shinji did not expect was for practically every angel to choose the latter, what made matters worse was the 72 pillars had also started worshipping the religion

the good news was that they had no knowledge of unit-01, other then the title the fallen, and they definitely had no knowledge of the pilot, thankfully for shinji, though all of his non-spartan personnel were starting to transcribe to the religion much to their commanding officer's chagrin

shinji sat back in his chair and sighed

"our organization was created with one singular purpose, destroying gendo ikari, and eliminating any plans he may have started, i did not start this organization to be worshipped only to fix my mistakes and to redeem NERV" i said

"the religion is bringing the nations together sir" she said, i scoffed

"yes, for now, eventually there will be crusades over the damn religion as there usually is with any religion that get's big enough, i do not want people killing innocents in my name" i said

"sir you can't believe that" she said

"can't i, the fallen is a god of war" i said

"the fallen is also a protector, the final protector, all know this fact, it is savage only because it is desperate, and it is called upon only in the direst of circumstances" she said, i bit back a reply

"get me all information on this new religion, i might as well see how much of a rabbit hole has been dug" i said

"sir" she said, with a salute

"dismissed" i said, i turned behind me to look out the window of the ready room for the fortress

"i hope you are well my love" i said

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