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misato katsuragi didn't expect in the slightest but what she was shown proved everything he had said, everyone was equal in the faith, not even individuals like reverend mace windu were exempt even he submitted himself to feel a very small piece of shinji's pain, in physical form at the least, she had converted she genuinely believed in the faith, especially when she learned that azrael was one of several ancient avatars, as they were called, his azrael was his own, and the creator to all others

being the first also meant that it's power was different from the others, and because it was also bonded to shinji's zanpakuto also meant much, ritsuko wasn't converted to the faith but she also no longer feared him, misato had begun ordering the reconstruction of the ships they had deconstructed and rebuilding ships that were destroyed during the battle, she had sent a message to shinji's estate in an attempt to get him to return to the fortress, her request was ignored outright, more then likely because it was she that sent it, and shinji definitely didn't trust her

kyōka had just completed her crash course unlocking her knew power, since she wasn't a lord she only received an advent deck, but she was still able to bond with an avatar, the evolution of the mirror monsters, were known as avatars, there were two types of avatars, advent avatars, and seed avatars, the latter being the significantly more powerful of the two, though kyōka was very pleased, as the gods of thunder were captured and turned into advent avatars, and she was bonded to shikoku, it felt good to put the so-called god in her place

taking her newly bonded mount in shushu, and her former vice chief himari and her own mount being her elder sister yachiho

she returned to shinji's estate

"kyoka welcome back to tatooine" i said, she smiled and nodded

"you remember himari and shushu" kyōka said

"i do indeed, welcome, both of you" i said

"this is my elder sister, and bonded dragon, yachiho" himari introduced

"welcome to my estate, m'lady" i said to her with a small bow

"you aren't dead yet" kyōka said

"only because katsuragi is scared of my avatar, once it's out of the way, i am likely to be" i said with a shrug "why are you here anyway" i asked

"i can't come see you" she asked

"of course, but you did not need to bring your former vice chief and her mount with you" i said, she bit her lip

"i am expected to swear my services to a lord to join a fleet" she said

"you have the option of striking out on your own" i said

"that would require me to go through all four years of the academy, and make sure i was in S-class to receive a ship" kyōka said, i gave her a 'really' look

"for you that wouldn't be all that difficult, tedious, yes, time consuming definitely, but you could do it" she said

"and that's another four years where i don't see you, i'm already 21" she said, i frowned

"i'm sorry, i guess i could pull some strings to get you a ship of your own, if i must i can go to the faith they will give me anything i ask for" i said

"i wish to restate our oaths" kyōka said, my eyes widened

"do you understand what you are asking" i asked

"marriage" she answered, i sighed

"i don't know if we will be happy" i said

"why not" she asked

"because all i have to my name is tsukihime, which also holds azrael, the thing that got me stuck here to begin with, if you remember" i said, she nodded

"and misato katsuragi, hunting for it" i said

"she has started to build back up NERV's forces" kyōka said

"at least she has stopped being completely stupid, but that just worries me further, i definitely won't have control of whatever ships she builds, so i will have to rely on the faith and the union, and i really don't want to give the former of those two any more power" i said

"i don't see the problem, why would that be necessary" kyōka asked confused

"do you want to spend the rest of your life growing old on this world" i asked bluntly and it hit her like a ton of bricks, the reason he was refusing was because she wouldn't be happy watching other's fight, she wanted to take part, but because of shinji's circumstances, she couldn't or she'd be separated from him which she didn't want either, a rock and a hard place if it were

"master shinji, mean woman be back" winky said, i sighed, withdrawing my gun from my desk

"i am not dealing with her today" i said as i moved to the entrance of my estate getting behind cover as i expected guards but katsuragi entered alone, what surprised me was she was wearing GEHIRN's uniform

"hey shinji can we talk" misato asked, i looked at her wearily

"why, and where are soldiers" i asked

"being indoctrinated by the union, i, asuka, and mari are the only ones still at GEHIRN, we recalled your old personnel with the promise of your return to the fortress" misato said

"i am most definitely not going back under your thumb" i said

"you misunderstand, we want you back as it's commander, i would act in whatever capacity you'd allow me to" she said, i stared at her

"how do i know it isn't a trap to get me to follow you" i asked

"it's not shinji" a voice i recognized as eriella entered taking a seat on the nearby couch

"eriella, you look well" she said

"i've been rather bored, but other then that yeah i'm doing good" she said

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