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"enjoy emotionally torturing ericht" i asked

"i did no such thing, but i did make sure she regretted forgetting about me, she is actively searching for me, pulling mother, suletta, and her wife along for the ride in the process" eriella said, i snorted

"they figured out where my name came from rather quickly though" eriella said

"it's not hard to figure out, you were named after the gundam aerial, your name sounds exceedingly similar to the machine's name, i would have honestly asked weather they were retarded if they hadn't figured that out, it should also lead ericht and elnora to your origins as well" i said

"it did, it's why they are looking for me, suletta and her wife are worried i will follow mother's footsteps" eriella said with an amused smile

"hah, if they find you they will also find GEHIRN and they will quickly realize you could do much worse then what they had planned, if you wanted" i said

"and i don't need a gund-arm to do it either" she agreed

"so why are you here" i asked

"isn't it obvious, we are partners, unlike uzen i kept by your side up until the final battle, which you requested to fight on your own, i will be returning to your side as is my right" eriella said, i nodded, kyōka flinched at that

"i see, so is rei back too" i asked

"oh yes, she is taking great delight in making akagi look like a buffoon" eriella said, i nodded

"you are correct in that you have a greater claim to me then kyōka, do to the fact you remained with me despite you having access to the aerial and calibarn, so i will inform you she wishes to reswear the oaths we swore" i said

"and marry you as a result" eriella said, she helped write the laws of the union so she knew them exceedingly well

"correct" i said

"you will claim me as your avatar and i will agree to allow her what she wishes" eriella said, my eyebrows raised

"you want me to claim you" i said surprised, she pulled out a lockseed and through it towards me, there was a stylized spade emblem upon it's face

"your sure" i asked, she nodded

"i will become your avatar, i will become azrael, and through it i will never be abandoned" she said

"as you wish" i said, she smiled, glad he accepted

"good i have a demand of your soon to be bride then" eriella said

"what do you wish of me" she said

"your going to swear your fealty to your new husband" eriella said, i glared at eriella, but before i could open my mouth

"she has already proven that she is willing to make decisions for you, just as katsuragi has done, you will be the head of the family, that way no one can do that to you again" eriella said

"agreed" kyōka said

"kyōka......" i started

"it's fine shinji, she's right, and i can agree to swear myself to you, it's not like i didn't intend to do so anyway" she said, i sighed

"fine" i said, turning to misato

"what am i going to do with you" i asked

"i'd hoped to swear my own fealty to you" she said sheepishly, my eyebrow raised

"really, you understand what that means yes" i asked

"i'd become your property, i'd essentially be your slave, i am aware what it means" she said

"very well misato i would not mind claiming you as mine" i said, she smiled, glad that hurtle was cleared

"but be forewarned, i was the one who wrote the laws on what happens should a fealty be broken, and it will be by my hand that you are executed should you do so, do i make myself perfectly clear katsuragi" i asked

"yes" she replied

"good, return to GEHIRN and prepare for my arrival i will be along eventually" i said, she nodded, as she left

"will we be making our oaths at the fortress" kyōka asked

"i had planned on it, there are only certain places which i can form a bond with eriella that is one of them" i said

"that's fine" she said

"good, now i believe in the mean time you have a lot of ass kissing to do, for all those years ago" i said, she smirked

"i do, don't i" she said as she began to kiss him

shinji's rebirthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz