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"it seems i have guests today" i said to myself, as i heard the report from one of the clone spartans, it didn't take long for her to arrive

"welcome to GEHIRN, lady leia skywalker" i said

"i thank you for your welcome lord ikari" she said with a small bow of her head

"what can my fortress do for you" i asked

"my brother has joined the new jedi order" she said

"by the reports i have been receiving they won't be an order much longer, the new religion is absorbing them" i said

"i think my father is part of the upper echelon of the faith" she admitted

"good to know, but that leads us to the now what are you doing here" i said

"NERV is the only group that is refusing to convert" she said

"no, i am refusing my organization to convert, and i do have good reason" i said, as i closed my eyes, as the spectral form of my EVA appeared behind me, causing leia to take a step back

"your the messiah" she said in shock, i scoffed

"i am no messiah, i am a soldier and one who's mission is coming to a close, nothing more, " i said

"i thought the fallen was a myth" she said

"it technically is, they are depicting me and my EVA as beings who can do no wrong, when in reality this entire organization before you was founded, to correct my greatest mistake, and my only regret, i am a broken individual, and my EVA......... my EVA was the greatest mistake humanity ever created, a nearly uncontrollable weapon of mass destruction, fortunately as of now, it is bonded to me, my spectral avatar, and has ceased to exist on the physical plain" i said, i rose from my seat

"it's core and a lance of longinus, and numerous other artifacts created this" i said pulling a blade from the wall

"it's core and a lance of longinus, and numerous other artifacts created this" i said pulling a blade from the wall

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"it is where the spirit of the avatar is held" i said, she marveled at the sword

"what about the body" she asked, and i allowed the smallest of smiles to grace my lips

"that was used to create the equipment for my navy, my ships and vectors were created using artificially cloned components of EVA unit-01, the original body was used in the construction of one unit that remains one-of-a-kind" i said

"sickbay to commander ikari" my comms went off i walked over to my desk and hit a button

"this is ikari, go ahead" i said

"you will want to get down here" the nurse said

"on my way" i replied, i allowed leia to follow me as i made my way to the main sickbay, holding the blade of unit-01 reverse gripped, entering sickbay i saw the nurses gesture me to the main alcove, what i saw nearly caused me to break

kyoka uzen laid there unconscious

"what the hell happened" i demanded

"she appeared in my lab, as i was working, she called out your name and then collapsed" rei said

"gather our spartans all but the barest of essentials needed to crew the fleet" i said

"understood sir" she said

"i told you, you should have come with me, you stubborn woman" i said, as i turned to the doctor

"inform me when she awakens" i said, the doctor nodded and i left

"what are you going to do" leia asked

"avenge her, my spartans will go to her world with express orders to exterminate the pests" i replied

i arrived at the command deck and barked out my orders, which were immediately answered as i was overseeing the invasion of mato, and the eradication of anything that wasn't remotely human, kyoka was escorted in

"shinji, your alive" she said

"alive and well, i told you it was hard to kill me, next to impossible actually" i said, she looked over his shoulder to see shuuki being gunned down

"are these your people" she asked

"spartans, genetically created super soldiers, with express orders to wipe anything not remotely human from existence they seem to doing well, don't you agree, i have recently given orders to have your squad brought here as well" i said

"thank you" she said

"i am your shield" i said simply

"as i am your sword" she replied in turn, remembering the promise they made all those years ago

"sir" eriella said, as she walked up

"what is it" i said

"katsuragi's ship has just appeared on long range sensors" eriella said

"now, of course she shows up now, the queen of terrible timing, prepare the fleet for immediate departure, leia inform your father i am calling in the favor he owes me" i said

"what should i tell him" leia asked in response i knocked kyoka unconscious

"take her, and her squad to him, tell him to place the entire group under his protection until i return, if even a hair on any of their heads is misplaced" i trailed off

"i understand" leia said

"spartan, get her, and her group to lady skywalker's ship, get them off my station, and have katsuragi's party escorted to the ira" i ordered

"understood your excellency" the spartan said in salute before moving to do the task assigned

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